Disney +: Marvel will make a series in space

Disney +: Marvel will make a series in space

Disney +: Marvel will make a series in space

With the creation of the Disney+ platform, Marvel Studios has largely been able to develop the MCU. Besides the films the studio is working on, the platform is an ideal way to present series in order to expand the universe.

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This is how Marvel was able to make a series to embody characters such as Wanda, Bucky, Loki or Hawkeye. It is also a way to provide other references such as Strong womanAnd the Mrs. MarvelAnd the moon knight Or explore Stark, Wakanda or Franchise technologies
shang chi.

The cosmic side of evolution

If Disney+ takes a central place in Phase 4 of the MCU, some themes, especially those related to space, have not been exploited. recognized, eternity It has a deep connection to space, but the story remains confined to Earth.

with arrival Thor: Love and Thunder (almost), marvels(2023) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023), the cosmic theme will be taken up again and each of these films could serve as support for the new series currently in development.

At the moment outside of the Untitled Marvel Space Project, we don’t have much information. So speculation goes well for a string about:

  • Valkyrie Tessa Thompson
  • Monica Rambo (Teona Paris)
  • a character Guardians of the Galaxy
  • one of eternity

But this could also be an opportunity to introduce a new character like Nova or Silver Surfer. Anyway, now that the existence of the project has been revealed, more information should begin soon.

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source: the screen

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