Discover Eco-Challenge Fiji, the toughest race in the world (and that’s no lie!)

Discover Eco-Challenge Fiji, the toughest race in the world (and that’s no lie!)

You are a fan of extreme sports, passionate about adventures, and your first name rhymes with your superior self, don’t miss it. The toughest race in the world: Eco-Challenge FijiAvailable on Prime Video!

Get ready to live an extraordinary adventure behind your screen, to shiver with the participants of this extraordinary sports challenge! Bear Grylls, who is no longer being served, is responsible for The toughest race in the world: Eco-Challenge Fiji on Prime Video. Obviously the title of this show is no lie! Sixty-six teams from 30 different countries started this amazing race where physical challenges are linked and where mental strength is king. Teams have 11 days to complete this entire race, which will show its limits to over-trained athletes at times. While necessarily the best is to win and complete the course as fast as possible, others have only one goal: to go to the end! Deceive.

Amazing events!

Throughout the race, the teams (of four members) will have to outdo themselves physically: mountain biking raid (beware of rain that can make the terrain impassable!), paddle, paddle, paddle, trek, climb… Participants are NOT at the end of their sentences. And the physical condition is not enough: you also need to know how to navigate in the woods, sometimes in the middle of the night, manage your time (teams must meet the checkpoints at a certain time or else they will be eliminated), rest when it is necessary and especially not to give up morally when the body At the end! You’ll be amazed at Archie’s favorite New Zealander, influenced by an American team made up of a son and his father, who has Alzheimer’s disease, or even amazed by the amazing Indian twins! You’ll understand, you’ll squeeze and sweat as if you were there (body aches, blisters, fatigue, hunger, hypothermia or less urge to give up, of course!)

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wonderful nature

During the ten episodes that make up this series, you will be amazed by the beauty of Fiji, where the race is held, and the diversity of its landscape and climate. What a surprise, for example, to discover a lake where the water is frozen (certainly the worst ordeal for many candidates, who suffered from hypothermia) or to see picturesque waterfalls in the middle of the forest …

How about Bear Grylls in all of this? It is true that the adventurer knows exactly how to sum up the difficulties of each test. If he manages to show how talented he is (even if he does not participate in the race), then he is above all a real support for the participants, and he is happy to find him at various checkpoints! In short, the most suitable facilitator for what is already the toughest race in the world!

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