Digital Health Space |  seronet

Digital Health Space | seronet

Health Minister Olivier Veran (October 19) said the digital health space will be rolled out to all French people on January 1, 2022, after a “satisfactory” trial in three pilot divisions. “We have tested the digital health space at the regional level and achieved good results,” the minister commented to AFP, during a conference dedicated to the digital health acceleration strategy, as part of the recovery plan. “The national troops are due to be deployed on January 1” to all French people and their caregivers, he said. The digital health space will initially be a digital storage space where each person can store their medical documents and their Dedicated Medical File (DMP) if they have opened one. It should also include secure messages for exchanges between patients and their caregivers. Olivier Veran remembers that people who don’t want this digital health space will have a one-month period to object to a space being created in their name. This means that file creation will be automatic unless the person declines. “It will take time, you can imagine that everyone will adapt and learn how to use it, but it will be a small revolution that is very favorable for health,” the minister admitted. This initiative is taken as part of the recovery plan. The country plans to spend 650 million euros over five years for this digital health strategy. The plan anticipates, for example, €100 million to support up to 60% of the clinical evaluation cost of other digital health software and hardware — startups often don’t have the kidneys strong enough to bear the costs of clinical validation alone. effectiveness of their innovations. It also provides for the establishment of about thirty digital innovation pilot services in hospitals and other healthcare institutions, and a budget of 100 million euros for the development of the medical imaging sector. On the research and training side, the plan also provides €81 million for digital training for doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals. The envelope will also be used to train engineers, lawyers, and regulatory experts in digital health.

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