Difficult return to work · Enserm, science for health

Difficult return to work · Enserm, science for health

More than 20% of women with breast cancer are not working two years after diagnosis. Is it by will or by necessity? A question answered by the Canto Work study: Health status and treatments certainly have their share of responsibility, but family and socio-economic status also play an important role.

Article can be found in Inserm Journal No. 58

In France, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. The 5-year survival rate is 87% and the mortality rate decreases from year to year. Despite this positive development, and while more than 70% of women work in Western countries, “ 21% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have not returned to their professional activity two years after diagnosis “says Gwen Mainville, Director of Research Insrm, an epidemiologist at the Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif. Identifying all the obstacles to this recovery in order to suggest ways to remove them is one of the current challenges in the management of this cancer. To implement this approach, Gwen Menville and Inès Vaz-Louis, an oncologist on the same team, and Agnès Dumas, a sociologist and INSERM researcher at the Clinical Epidemiology and Economic Evaluation Unit applied to vulnerable populations in Paris, designed the Canto-study.a job. This is based on Kanto Regiment