Diendere’s accusations against former Prime Minister Zida

Diendere’s accusations against former Prime Minister Zida

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Before the Ouagadougou Military Court, General Gilbert Diendere confirmed that he had organized a meeting between the men responsible for the security of President Thomas Sankara and Captain Blaise Compaoré on 15 October 1987. But Sgt. Hyacinte Kafando did not go to this meeting. Meeting. A few hours later, men from Blaise Compaore’s close guard shot President Thomas Sankara and his companions. It was impossible to hear the chief officer Hyacinth Kafando in this case: he has fled the country since 2015. And this, according to General Diendere, with the support of Yacouba Isaac Zida, the former prime minister in the transitional period.

With our correspondent in OuagadougouAnd Yaya Bodani

In Burkina Faso, at the trial of the alleged killers of President Thomas Sankara and his associates, on October 15, 1987, since the interrogation of the accused began, the name of Hyacinth Kafando, the first sergeant at the time of sentencing, was. facts that come back.

While investigating Sankara’s case, the judge issued a subpoena to hear Chief Petty Officer Hyacinth Kafando, who was still in Burkina Faso. But the former head of security for Captain Blaise Compaore at the time was not represented in the judge’s office. ” Hyacinth Kafando’s nephew, a corporal in the armed forces, informs me that there is a summons from the judge against his uncle. Supports General Gilbert Diendere in command.

Police officers on the road…

According to Blaise Compaore’s former Chief of Staff, it was General Yacouba Isaac Zida, then Prime Minister in the transitional period, who suggested to Hyacent Kafando not to respond to the June 22, 2015 invitation. “Yacoub Isaac Zida Corporal Madi Pavadnam ordered to prevent Hyacinte Kafando from leaving the territory of Burkina Faso, because the investigative judge was going to put the gendarmes in his wake. ”, explains General Diendéré. This is how Corporal Madi Pavadnam allegedly led Chief Officer Hyacinth Kafando to one of the Burkina Faso borders, without specifying which one.

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General Gilbert Diendere claims that he was charged in this case on the instructions of General Yaquba Isaac Zida, who nevertheless promised him that he would not worry.

To read also: In Sankara’s assassination trial at the Bar, General Diendere pleads not guilty.

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