Decree-Law: New rules for resorts, parks, and travel

Decree-Law: New rules for resorts, parks, and travel

The regional intergovernmental meeting was held yesterday, Tuesday, April 20, and through it some of the main sections of the New anti-Covid decree. From the draft, in fact, we learn many related news Spas, theme parks and general travel between Italian regions.

The first date that catches the eye is definitely history April 26The day the yellow areas return to our country. Indeed, there are different regions with Rt values ​​less than threshold 1, and therefore with yellow region parameters. However, it is a good idea to specify that they will be areas of yellow but ‘Reinforced“This means the new rules, as far as activities are concerned, with priority being given to outside activities.

What changes from April 26 in the yellow zone

From April 26In the yellow zone, shows are open to the public in theaters, concert halls, and cinemas, The neighborhood club And in other places. The openings nevertheless granted by charter: that there are pre-designated seats with a distance of at least one meter. Moreover, the amplitude cannot be greater than 50% From the maximum. In short, 1,000 spectators will be allowed outside and 500 inside. While some events can only be reserved for those with a green certificate.

Moreover, the reopening of bars and restaurants from the aforementioned date has been confirmed for lunch and dinner, but withConsumption on the table only in the open airAnd only in the yellow area. While fromThe first of June They will be able to open it, but only for lunch, even in places that have interiors.

From May 15Also in the Yellow Zone, outdoor swimming pools, markets and shopping centers are also expected to open even on holidays. fromThe first of June, Among other things, it will be possible to go to sporting events with a capacity not exceeding 25 percent in the stadium or gymnasium and with a maximum of 1000 spectators in the open air and 500 Inside. Finally, the curfew has been confirmed from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., although changes are expected depending on the direction of the infection.

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Slots for resorts and theme parks

Also news regarding Spas and amusement parks. starting fromJuly 1Indeed, such activities will be permitted (always in yellow areas), which must follow clearly defined rules. These measures will be included in a future item that will be approved by the Council of Ministers. However, with regard to the wonderful spas in our country, some guidelines have been suggested by the regions which stipulate that reservations should be made to access the pools and lists that must be kept for at least 14 days, as well as stations that allow a distance of at least two meters between people. Moreover, in spa facilities, with regard to distances, the rules for shower facilities apply:

  • A distance of 2 meters in the bathrooms and changing rooms (unless special partitions with partitions are installed);
  • An area of ​​at least 10 square meters must be guaranteed for each canopy;
  • For sunbeds and loungers, the distance should be at least 1 meter;
  • Beds and lounge chairs double if indoors.

Travel rules between regions

In the yellow areas – up June 15 – Only one trip per day will be allowed to visit friends or relatives with a maximum of 4 people (an increase compared to previous decisions that stipulated 2) in addition to minors over whom parental authority is exercised. The draft also repeats that movement in yellow areas is always permitted within a zone and between areas of the same color.

However, the situation will be different for the orange regions as you can only move within the same municipality. While moving out of the orange or red areas, you will need, as we expected, the green certification.

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How does the green certificate work to move between regions

A document that will last for six months for vaccinations and those who recover, and 48 hours for those who will undergo antigen or molecular tests with negative results. The certificate will be issued once the first dose of the vaccine has been given and it will be inserted Paper or digital format.

In the certificate, which will then flow to the electronic health record of the person concerned, in addition to personal data, the number of doses administered compared to the number of doses expected will also be reported. For recovered persons, the certificate will be issued by the facility to which the patient is admitted or, for non-hospitalized patients, by freely chosen general practitioners and pediatricians. However, the card will not be valid If later it turns out that the interested party is again positive for Covid.

On the other hand, healing certificates issued prior to the entry into force of the decree will be valid for six months from the date specified in the document. Those who completed the vaccination course before the entry into force of the new ruling and did not obtain any certification, can do so An explicit request for the health facility, region, or province. Those who undergo rapid or molecular antigen tests with negative results will have them Green certification lasts 48 hours To be issued by the same structure that carried out the survey: public, private and accredited health facilities, pharmacies, general practitioners or pediatricians. Finally, the card will remain valid until the European platform is activated, where national certificates will also be sent. At this point, the so-called DGC-Digital Green Certificate, which is interoperable at European level, will take effect.

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Foreign trips

However, it appears that the rules regarding travel abroad have not changed. In other words, we still rely on lists of countries for which various measures are envisaged. Lists that can always be amended by a specific order approved by the Minister of Health, in agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Basically until April 30, but with the possibility of extension, transportation to / from List C countries is allowed Even without the need for stimulation (Subject to the restrictions stipulated in Italy on a regional basis). To return, however, it will be necessary to undergo an antigen or rapid swab within 48 hours of entering Italy, fill out a self-pass, undergo a 5-day credit quarantine and take another Covid test at the end of the isolation period.

Additionally, travel (including for tourist purposes) to Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Singapore and Thailand (Countries in List D). In this case, the self-declaration must be completed upon return; Submit a negative Covid test result within 48 hours; Inform the competent health care company of their region of their entry into Italy, and finally, they are subject in any case a Fiduciary isolation and health monitoring for 10 days With an additional swab at the end of the quarantine.

However, please note who will soon release the European Travel Certificate, therefore the rules for traveling abroad could be subject to several changes.

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