Decoding: How ASM Clermont Becomes Dominant Again

Decoding: How ASM Clermont Becomes Dominant Again

The full second half in Toulon as ASM was just one point away from dropping RCT (30-29). Two high-profile matches in Michelin, where La Rochelle (22-13) and Lou (43-20) fell. At 200 minutes, Clermont showed a level of play that allowed him to settle into the first set of the tournament (4th place, 14 points).

Juno Gibbs’ men have undoubtedly raised the standard. If the records remain different (defensive against Stade Rochelais, offensive against Lyon), one constant remains the same: the intensity shown by Clermont players.

excellent Top 14: Tops and Fails ASM Clermont’s 5-point win over LOU (43-20)

“We are in the process of building a style of rugby where we create pressure with or without the ball,” the New Zealand technician explained after the meeting on Saturday evening. We have chosen two works (among others) to illustrate Juno Gibbs’ words.

with the ball

ASM – LOU, minute 27

Clermont leads 10-3 and is pinned to Camp Lyon. Feeling that LOU is on the verge of collapse, Damian Penaud plays a quick touch in midfield. Alex Newsom and then Jules Blisson extended the ball to the wing of Oliverity Raca. The latter was stopped after penetrating 20 meters. From the rear, support is immediately available. Killian Teixeronte and Samuel Ezilla form a cell that allows the ball to be quickly taken out by Sebastian Pizzi. Arthur Etoria supports. Paul Jedrasiak and once again Killian Tixeront let the work continue. A new struggle with the immediate interventions of Lucas Dessin and Samuel Isella. Lyon’s defense is disorganized. Alberti Raca finally scored Clermont’s second attempt.

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Instant support from Tixeront and Ezeala allows Sebastian Pizzi to get the ball out quickly (channel + screenshot).

decoding. Clermont’s support velocity, both at the ball bearing level and at the platen level, allowed the ASM to pursue fast and destabilize the LOU. It was also the same in the test scored by Johann Behrgaray (14th) where the hack created by Alex Newsom was followed up continuously and thus effectively.

without the ball

ASM – La Rochelle, minute 77

Several actions could have been remembered from this meeting as Clermontois doubled down on interventions from the first minute to the last minute (185 successful in total, 82% success). But we chose this one, because in the end it turned out to be crucial. So we disagree on the last minutes of the meeting. ASM is six points ahead, but still within a shot of La Rochelle’s bid. Jules Blisson, who had just scored a penalty, put the match back into the opposing camp. Grégory Alldritt inherits the ball and hits a wall erected by Thibaud Lanen and Irae Simone.

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excellent ASM: A prostitute or winger, Yohan Beheregaray was often in the right moves against Leon

Work continues up to 40 metres. The very high defensive rise of Judicaël Cancoriet, Killian Tixeront and Baptiste Jauneau forces Quentin Lespiaucq to make a very poor pass. Yuan Tanga is finally punished by Arthur Etoria and Alfrette Raca. Clermont permanently recovers the penalty to ensure victory (22-13).

Going up in Tixeront, Jauneau and Cancoriet points would put Lespiaucq under pressure and lead him to miss his passes. At the back, ASM reclaims the winning penalty. (channel + screenshot).

decoding. While Clermontois defended the entire game, they still had the resources at the end of the match to put terrible pressure on Rochelais. The first interventions by Thibaut Lanin and Eray Simonyi set the European champions back for the first time. But it is Claremont’s angry defensive rise on the ball carrier that allows the pressure to be reversed once and for all. Yuan Tanga finally finds himself isolated. Only Arthur Etoria and Alfrette Raca have to complete the collective defensive work.


With or without the ball, Clermontois’ team put a lot of energy and persuasion into their actions. They control the collisions. In offensive props or in defensive climbing, player circulation appears to be more efficient and coordinated. On the other hand, this requires physical immorality at all times.

Arno Clerge

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