Cyberpunk 2077 RT: Overdrive mode is a real hit, according to a test from Digital Foundry

Cyberpunk 2077 RT Overdrive Mode: Overdrive mode, which NVIDIA and CD Projekt RED announced for the launch of GeForce RTX 4000 GPUs a few months ago, is just hours away from release.

Tomorrow the Polish studio is expected to release the Cyberpunk 2077 1.62 update, which will include the track tracking mode developed for high-end PCs as a preview technology. members Digital Foundry were the only ones who could give it a try Before the April 11 launch date, the least we can say is that Their practical test is glowing.

Noticeable differences

For starters, DF’s Alexandre Battaglia showed The big difference Between the point version of the game and the new Cyberpunk 2077 RT: Overdrive mode. This should come as no surprise, as even the extensive ray tracing features that were included at the game’s launch in December 2020 provided a significant visual improvement over the usual Frequency method. In fact, Cyberpunk 2077 actually had more ray tracing effects than any other game:

  • shadows
  • local shadows
  • Reflections
  • diffused lighting
  • circumference occlusion
  • One Universal Enlightenment Card

When we saw Cyberpunk 2077 RT: Overdrive mode in action, as part of a behind-the-scenes video with the programmers and graphics engineers at CD Projekt RED, the ray tracing previews couldn’t be more impressive than the previous “psycho mode” available in the game.

Fortunately, the new screenshots shared as part of Digital Foundry’s testing clearly show very important improvements, Battaglia said. One example mentioned in the video is the local lighting, which was done entirely by reverb except for the neon lights.

A lot of the lights in the scenes cast no shadows, while here the soft shadows for each pixel are created realistically from all the lights you’ll see in the game (and there are plenty of them in Night City). In addition, the local multi-bounce lighting also affects the color of the lights, which in turn reflect off the environments. If your car’s light is directed toward a red container, it will naturally spread the red glow onto the surrounding surfaces.

Likewise, indirect lighting was mostly handled by traditional IBL (Image Based Lighting) sensors, resulting in very incorrect lighting compared to the new path laid out in Cyberpunk 2077 RT: Overdrive mode.

The overall look and feel of the game is more consistent, according to the report, but this comes at a significant performance cost. Although the test didn’t dig too deep on this point, it did highlight one particular scene where Overdrive ran at 18fps versus 40fps with Psycho RT (and DLAA) and 48fps with bitmap graphics.

The solution, of course, is to enable NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Sampling, both 2 (Super Resolution) and 3 (Frame Generation). performance mode DLSS Ultra HD more than triples this from 18fps to 59fpswhile Enabling frame generation nearly doubles the frame rate to 95fps It has an RTX 4090 GPU, which delivers an incredibly smooth gaming experience with stunning visuals, according to Digital Foundry.

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