Create and manage your own business with Espace Auto-Entrepreneur

Create and manage your own business with Espace Auto-Entrepreneur

Article sponsored by Espace Auto-Entrepreneur

The world of entrepreneurship attracts many people, but getting started requires a little organization and preparation. The administrative procedures can be especially intimidating, starting with setting up your own business. If you need guidance, go to the Espace Auto-Entrepreneur online platform. Its goal is to simplify all administrative procedures related to your self-employed business, from creation to management, including modification to closure. By choosing Self-Entrepreneurial Space Support ServiceYou will be calmer and will be able to devote yourself 100% to your activity to face all challenges. At Espace Auto-Entrepreneur, everything happens online to carry out your various operations whenever you want. The interface is simple and well thought out to allow intuitive navigation of the different tabs.

Good reasons to choose Espace Auto-Entrepreneur as your business partner

One of the strengths of the Espace Auto-Entrepreneur online platform is of course the many tools available to freelancers. In particular, you will have access to:

  • a The registration form is quick and easy : The latter is pre-filled to save time. You will have access to advice to better define your activity (its nature, taxation option, category, etc.) to make the right choices;
  • Monitoring of your own business creation file: Once the form is completed, it is checked by an Espace Auto-Entrepreneur expert and then sent to your Business Process Center (CFE) selected according to your type of activity. When your file is validated, you can start your activity. Your SIRET number, which identifies your particular business, is sent to you by INSEE within 1 to 4 weeks on average;
  • Dashboard to monitor your online activity: This tab in your space on our platform gives you at-a-glance access to a lot of very important information, such as your sales volume over the past 12 months, pending or unpaid invoices, or your whereabouts related to borders tax for your state;
  • Invoice and Quote Writing and Management Module: Writing the first quotes or invoices is not necessarily a straightforward task. To help you, use the Editing and Management module. You will save time and it will make your daily monitoring easier;
  • Support in your administrative procedures: declaration to URSSAF, payment of VAT, application for activity bonus… Espace Auto-Entrepreneur guides you through all these important and not always very simple procedures;
  • Personal support and assistance: If you choose Espace Auto-Entrepreneur, you will be a single point of contact throughout our cooperation. The latter will know your business well to provide the most appropriate support for each stage of your business life.
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Do you have questions or need to find specific information? Go to the portal Self-Entrepreneurship Cell To view the various contents provided. The search bar allows you to easily find the answer to your questions.

Affordable, limited social fees, easier management: peculiarities of the microenterprise system

When we talk about self-employment, we are referring to small projects, a system that is particularly suitable for those embarking on entrepreneurship. What is it Peculiarities of the small enterprise system ? Small businesses have many advantages, starting with their simplicity, both in terms of their establishment and daily management. Returns are quick and easy to process, and you’ll have limited social fees. Commercial activity, accommodation activity, service provision, and liberal professions. Small enterprises combine many sectors of activity to accommodate a large number of independent workers.

Start your own business as quietly as possible using the services of the Espace Auto-Entrepreneur platform. You will be supported in all your steps.

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