Covid: New Zealand, positive employee at Auckland Airport – Oceania

Covid: New Zealand, positive employee at Auckland Airport – Oceania

(ANSA) – ROME, April 20 – An Auckland airport employee tested positive for Covid-19 24 hours after travel resumed between New Zealand and Australia. The BBC reports this. However, the issue does not appear to be linked to a travel “ bubble ” between the two countries, which is why flights with Australia were not suspended and thousands of passengers flew between the two countries yesterday for the first time in more than a year.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern explained that the person infected with the Coronavirus was cleaning aircraft from “high risk countries.” The man was vaccinated.

Australia and New Zealand closed their borders in March 2020. Since October, travelers from New Zealand have been allowed to enter almost all Australian states without quarantine. Under the new travel rules between the two countries, those who move must have spent at least 14 days in Australia or New Zealand and should not be showing any symptoms of Covid. (handle).

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