Covid Germany, more than 24 thousand new infections and 300 deaths

Covid Germany, more than 24 thousand new infections and 300 deaths


Evidence of the alliance between Lita and Conte, but no agreement on municipalities

AGI – Giuseppe Conte has time to say “The M5s are going to be there” before connection jumps out with Goffredo Bettini and Enrico Letta. A very greedy help to Bateeni: “It is a conspiracy,” he says sarcastically, referring to the accusations of “conspiracy” that rained down on him after he said that the Conte government fell because of the convergence of national and international interests. But, in the meantime, the data is being taken, or at least it seems. “At least he’s had time to say the M5s will be there,” notes Enrico Letta. More: The former prime minister promised that “a completely renewed 5-star movement will make an essential contribution” to this path of building a vast field, the Piazza Grande, in the words of Nicolas Zingaretti, through which the right to 2023 policies can be overcome. A large square, as well. Enrico Leta says, he was born “out of an act of not thinking”. That is, from government experience seeing the Democratic Party and M5s collaborating for the first time, after years of mutual attacks. But between now and 2023, there is still a long way to go and pass the tests. The first is around the corner: the administrative offices in October see the forces that should be part of this big party, or Grand Square, far from the “sympathy”, from the “hands,” that Secretary Diem talks about. This is, of course, for the turbulent regeneration phase the 5-Star Movement is going through. However, Conte wants to reassure potential allies and his party by promising that “you will have completely revamped M5s that will make a significant contribution to this path.” A renewal starting from the apparent centralization, after indecision and ambiguity, of the 5-star movement in the center-left camp: “The popular profession is the most authentic vein that has characterized the movement so far,” explains the commander in the pectore of the M5s: “If the truth is conservation, then the M5s have crossed On a gradual shipment, it is perhaps the most effective with regard to the status quo. ” More: “The M5s may prove to be a left-wing force for a progressive charge.” In order to prevent their very nature from exposing the M5s to exploitation, Conte decided, first and foremost, to provide the movement with “a charter of values ​​against ambiguity about the options to be made,” in short “to avoid opportunistic options.” Regarding the timing of the renewal, Conte was more optimistic than the historical records say, saying that it is a path that must be completed “in a few days. Also on the stage”, adding, referring to the “knot” Rousseau, “the technical administration is completely different from the political administration.” The Labor secretary estimates, “Conte’s speech was an important and difficult rapprochement,” and he adds that with Giuseppe Conte and Elie Schlein, there is a possibility to give that image of “sympathy and respect,” a prerequisite for any alliance. “The coalition must consist of sympathetic people, otherwise the country will not trust us.” But this large arena, the Democratic leader warns, “It is logical if we apply this sympathy in building the political proposal for the 2023 elections. The administrative elections will be a step towards this path, but the goal is to build an idea of ​​an Italy that must be successful in the politics of 2023. I am convinced that This rapprochement will come, and that administrative stage will be a stage, and I am not afraid to try it as an intermediate stage, “Lita concludes. As for the M5s, in recent days, some parliamentarians waiting for the new Conte project met with the leaders, and expressed their concerns, but – a parliamentary source explained – “They replied that the important thing is to secure funds for the new session, it is not the case. It aims to keep anyone.” . About forty representatives and representatives in the Senate, especially those in the second term, do not rule out leaving them. He expects to understand the next moves of the former prime minister but also how the Cagliari attorney general’s office will announce tomorrow in the appeal filed by the dismissed provincial advisor Coco. Help could arrive for the former prime minister, but in any case – reflecting “big” – Casaleggio will not leave, nor will the movement’s members’ data be transferred. In short, there are few optimists about the possibility of resolving the complex of formalizing the leadership of the police jurist at the head of the movement soon. Meanwhile, in big cities like Rome, Turin, Bologna, Milan and maybe Naples – the 5-star movement is preparing to go on its own. “A little bit of courage on the part of the Democratic Party,” says Abendino, mayor of Turin. “The five-star movement goes on alone.” “We ask the Democratic Party to respect our candidate in Rome,” relaunch Five Stars, who defends Raji. But the caveat is that in the absence of an agreement, the outcome for municipalities may not be favorable. Moreover, regarding the relationship with the Democratic Party, Conte noted that we “don’t start from scratch” and the cooperation that has also taken place with Liu in the previous government, it was clear: “The times – he says – are not yet ripe for an inclusive coalition.” The former on the independence of the M5s, underscores how the original connotation of left and right is being overcome, and as he said to more than one interlocutor, continues to look also at the moderates in the FI and at those centrist advocates who supported above all in the latter part of his government. On domestic issues he sent some reassuring messages: The principle that deserves one must be overcome, “It is necessary to consider competence”, “The supremacy of Fdi and Lega does not provide adequate answers.” M5s? “They have a popular call and they are a left-wing force.” The rest there will be “a big event to discuss the new statute and elect new top management bodies.” Directly, democracy will not disappear. “A few more days – he explains – we complete the restorative process of M5s and solve some problems.” Starting with “Clarification on the digital platform: It is necessary to clarify that political responsibility must be distinguished from technical management.” Indeed, the search for the “new” Rousseau is not over yet. “I respect Conte, but the movement is losing its vision of reality,” de Battista’s “frank” verdict.

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