Covid: bruised after vaccination, took Pfizer to court because of its side effects

Covid: bruised after vaccination, took Pfizer to court because of its side effects

A northerner has attacked giant Pfizer over the side effects he is believed to have experienced after being vaccinated against Covid. The court ordered a medical report. Case can be the first.

David vs. Goliath? North attacked Pfizer. The reason, the side effects he suffered after being vaccinated against Covid-19. Justice demanded medical expertise, BFM reports this Thursday, April 14 It could be the first, while the adverse effects of vaccination are at the center of many controversies.

Holy coincidence

Showing pictures of these impressive bruises, which appeared all over his body, two days after receiving his dose of the Pfizer vaccine, this man says, “As soon as I got back from the hunting campaign, I got bruises.”

Jean-Philippe remembers this exchange with his colleague. “He told me, ‘That’s weird, you got the vaccine two days ago and three days later you have bruising. I told him, yeah that’s right, it’s a hell of a coincidence.”

En mai 2021, trois jours après son injection, cet habitant de la commune d’Etaples a déclaré ce qui s’appelle une thrombopénie, un trouble hémorragique, qui lui fait donc risquer une hémorragie à la la, moind a liqueFren coupré con That man.

Opening the door for those who have side effects

The presiding judge of Boulogne-sur-Mer gave him the go-ahead to seek medical expertise. Jean-Philippe wants justice, which is why he chose to sue the Pfizer Group. If he says he is the first Frenchman to have this medical expertise, he will still have to be patient.

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This will start in the next few days and should last 8-10 months. “I am waiting for a door to be opened to me, to what is happening to me and to all those who are suspicious of the side effects they may have.”

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