Covid Abruzzo, today 351 injuries, 15 deaths: April 9th ​​Bulletin

Covid Abruzzo, today 351 injuries, 15 deaths: April 9th ​​Bulletin


Formigoni is entitled to a pension

Roberto Formigoni is entitled, by law, to a pension. This day the Senate litigation committee, headed by Italian Giacomo Calendo, decided to accept the appeal of the former Lombard governor. The body led by the former Undersecretary of Justice, annulled the so-called Grasso decision and decision, as Adnkronos learned from parliamentary sources, it would not only relate to Formigone, but would have value for all people, including the Ottaviano Del Turco case, so the outstanding installments could be “recovered”. The reasons for the decision will be presented tonight. Now the Senate Office – the attorney for the former Abruzzo Governor, Maurizio Baniz, must take note of the litigation committee’s decision and order the continued payment of annual premiums to former Senator Del Turco. Otherwise, it will be the committee itself that decides on it, having already submitted the relevant appeal. ” “I also hope that the annulment of Grasso’s decision will be implemented – as Banez asserts, by the Chamber’s judicial bodies to annul the similar Boldrini decision, which was challenged by some former parliamentarians, including the former Minister de Lorenzo who helped him.” Banez, who challenged the former Neapolitan minister “more than four years ago …” recalls FORMIGONI – “A correct decision, addresses a sensational mistake.” This is how former Senator Roberto Formigoni comments on the litigation committee’s decision. The former president of the Lombardy region, who called By phone by Adnkronos, he accepted the decision “without any particular reaction.” Moreover, he says: “I am convinced of my right; I am grateful for him to correct an enormous mistake, not only against me, but also against many others. ”Formingoni’s pension and annuity were revoked in 2019, after the corruption conviction was confirmed in the Mogheri San Rafael trial. The Presidential Council of Madama Palace approved the decision approved in 2015. Formingoni permanently suspends the provision of retirement pensions and annuities to sentenced parliamentarians. Formingoni notes that today’s decision “thus recognizes the validity of the appeal” presented by his lawyers after the verdict that froze his pension and annual pension, which led him to live, as he himself often denounces , In severe economic hardship.

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