Companies are a distinct space for solidarity commitment

Companies are a distinct space for solidarity commitment

Solidarity commitment is increasingly part of the professional environment. Some companies, such as EDF, Crédit Agricole or even SNCF, offer their employees to participate in union activities. A practice that tends to become standard, while Percy has just published a “practical guide” on the subject.

What if the traditional animosity, philosophical and economic, between the business world and the associative fabric faded away? In favor of a health crisis that should soon “celebrate” its two years and, above all, the frequent confinement and other measures taken to combat the coronavirus epidemic, many French people participated in an association before the emergence of Covid-19 that no longer wanted to return there. Not that their spirit of solidarity is a complete failure – at least not for everyone – but that after months of isolation, at home, the temptation of evenings or activities is great, and can take precedence over their collective commitment.

Today, in France, 30% of volunteers are over the age of 65, and among them, 50% are retired. If the abandonment of looting and the distribution of other clothing is somewhat unevenly distributed throughout the territory, the majority of young workers, according to the Ifop/SurveyVolunteering in France conducted last May and thus promote a “rediscovery” of social life in communal life…unless they change in their willingness to commit? According to the poll institute, those under the age of 35 tend to participate in local life, through environmental protection (63%) or solidarity (54%) for example.

Promising figures for the future of the French union textile. Especially since these assets can now turn into their businesses to quench their thirst for commitment. Moreover, this phenomenon, little known, is no longer the same: more and more structures offer their employees various forms of solidarity (sponsorship, sponsorship, charity races, etc.), which have the advantage of bringing teams together around an issue they feel is right – who are happy to answer. All but a coincidence, if Company Solidarity Days and other ubiquitous fundraising groups have flourished for several years.

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Corporate Social Impact

EDF, one of the largest in France, partnered with the EDF Group Foundation, this year at Telethon, pledging €800,000 as a result. The Telethon which was created, as a reminder, more than 30 years ago by a French electrician, Bernard Barraud, who was able to unite his colleagues to embark on a charitable adventure with the French Association Against Myopathy (AFM-Telethon). Also note: the La Poste group, a partner in the event since its inception, which offers its employees many fundraising initiatives.

For its part, Crédit Agricole SA has chosen to allow its employees to combat social exclusion, while the coronavirus crisis has put thousands of families at risk – 10 million people have been pushed under the threshold. By offering all its employees to take part in a mission of solidarity, thanks to its three partner associations (Entourage, La cravate Solidaire and Second Chance Schools Network), the French Bank wishes to promote social inclusion, in France, for example by promoting local encounters between the homeless and the neighborhood and some associations.

And if ‘skills care’ means nothing to you, it could, in a few years, if not the norm, at least become a regular business practice. Currently, the SNCF and the group’s human resources department have initiated the matter and allowed the railway company’s employees to participate alongside the association… during their working time! Or how you find meaning at work, by bringing professional skills into a supportive structure, by supporting young people from humble backgrounds in their studies, or even by helping an unemployed person integrate into the world of work.

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Reviving civic engagement

It remains to be seen if all these measures will breathe new life into volunteerism. Many associations, in a state of decline since the start of the Covid crisis, go so far as to trigger a “real commitment crisis”. Moreover, in order to help them, certain groups, such as the EDF, try to bring their employees into contact with these solidarity structures. The French electrician, via “Human Pacte”, an online platform, offers his employees the opportunity to contribute to a local association of their choice. about three types of assignments: education and tutoring; Professional integration and support for isolated people. EDF also provides international skills sponsorship to support water access, education, health and development projects. ” More than ever, in a period of health crisis, mobilizing everyone is essential to building the society of tomorrow. Climate, Solidarity, Inclusion, Preserving the Planet… The commitment of EDF Group employees is unwavering ’” says Christophe Carval, director of human resources for the EDF Group.

In the face of democratizing these business practices, the government also adopts several incentive measures (tax reduction, etc.), in order to encourage bridges between employees and associations. Interactions directed at future evolution. Percy has also just published her “Practical Guide” to nurturing skills, in order to foster “innovative collaboration”. and corporate social impact.

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