Communicated.  Relive the opening of the new workout space down the street at ACM Habitat's “La Roquette” residence in Lunel

Communicated. Relive the opening of the new workout space down the street at ACM Habitat's “La Roquette” residence in Lunel

The Rocket District is undergoing a major transformation. This Wednesday, March 20, 2024, Michel Calvo, President of ACM Habitat and Vice Mayor of Montpellier, to the City of Fraternity and Solidarity, and Pierre Sogol, Mayor of Lunel and President of Lunel Aglou, inaugurated a new street exercise space in the ACM Habitat residence “La Roquette” in Lunel. This time will also allow elected officials, tenants and attendees to participate in activities around “Mon Appart Éco” and the residential shared garden project.

This new equipment is the latest step as part of the most global urban renewal plan for the La Roquette area and the ACM Habitat residence (550 residential units spread over 4 residences).

A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
ULTIMED/My Eco-Apartment

Ensuring the openness of the area to the city

Npnru plans in particular in La Roquette: ensuring the area is open to the city, maintaining the landscape framework, redeveloping the common areas of the residence (revegetation, etc.), reinvesting the staircase by closing the double entrances, renovating the common areas, installing Access control devices, locking vaults, etc.

A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
ULTIMED/My Eco-Apartment

As part of these developments, a playground and video surveillance cameras have already been opened in April 2023. The Lunel sector, which currently accommodates 5 employees from nearby ACM Habitat, has also been completely renovated to improve the working environment for employees.

New street exercise space and community garden project

The street exercise area opened on Wednesday is dedicated to outdoor physical and sports exercises (worth 30,000 euros). It contains several devices: a vertical net, a ladder, push bars, and pull bars. The work was carried out within the framework of the multi-year agreement of the Lunel Urban Renewal Project and more precisely in consultation with the Citizens' Council.

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These new installations respond to the demand of local residents and contribute to the rehabilitation of residential outdoor spaces. The development of the area as part of road works is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2024.

Investing 200,000 euros in two years

Since 2022, approximately €200,000 has been invested in the surroundings of this residence. The next stage of its transformation will be the creation of communal gardens within the residence itself and is scheduled for delivery at the end of April.

Lunel, the main stage in the Mon Appart Éco journey

For all operations at Mon Appart Eco, Altémed's goal is to support tenants in adopting environmentally benign measures and reducing their energy consumption. “My Traveling Eco Appart” is a mobile and lightweight version, designed with a “go-to” dynamic and its layout includes spread in 9 different neighborhoods.

A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
A workout space has opened down the street in Lunel.
ULTIMED/My Eco-Apartment

All environmentally friendly initiatives (water, ventilation, electricity, gas, waste) are covered by different workshops also offered by our partners: L'arbre à palaver, les petits resourcesurs, CLCV, AP34, CPTS Lunel, Plié, Le Passe Muraille, le petitrendez-vous and Arts et Cultures and Lunel Agglo. My Travel Eco Apartment will expire on March 31, 2024.

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