Cloud gaming is coming in a week for Prime subscribers

Amazon has announced that starting June 21, Prime subscribers will be able to try Amazon Luna for free with a seven-day trial period.

Amazon Luna demo

View the Amazon Luna Experience // Source: Amazon

Last September, after several years of entrance noise and a major construction site, Amazon officially introduced Lunamy son service de cloud games. Finally, the company has announced the launch date of its offering, available from June 21 to Amazon Prime subscribers.

In fact, to mark peak days – Amazon’s own promotional periods – Amazon’s streaming video game offering will be launched. However, on a dedicated page, the company states that it will only be a two-day trial period: For a limited time, Rewards members will be able to access Amazon Luna games without asking for an early access invite. Start the 7-day trial of Luna+ to play action, adventure, platform, shooter, role-playing, racing, indie games, or classic games – We will always add more.”.

Luna+ is nothing but a subscription offered by Amazon to take advantage of the library of games available on Luna. For a subscription of six dollars per month, subscribers will be able to enjoy what is available on the platform. Publishers will also be able to offer secondary subscriptions to provide access to their own games on Luna. This is the caseUbisoft+, available as an option at $15 per month.

Seven-day free trial… for US users

Concretely, this early access to Luna will allow everyone to try their hand at the Amazon platform. Especially since the tech giant is also offering a seven-day trial of Luna+ to entice its users and encourage them to sign up. Until now, to experience the Amazon Luna, you had to be on Amazon’s Early Access list or own a Fire TV.

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As a reminder, Amazon Luna can be accessed from computers, but also on iPhones and many smartphones thanks to a web browser.

However, it appears that the Amazon Luna demo is only reserved for US users. If the show is well highlighted in the US version of Amazon, the French version does not. Logically, given that Luna is currently only available across the Atlantic before a greater spread to the rest of the world.

Amazon is entering the cloud gaming arena with its new service called Luna. The service will be available on several platforms for $6 per month with around 100 games that will be streamed in 4K.
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