Changes to the Sage icon to help those with trypophobia –

Changes to the Sage icon to help those with trypophobia –

Square Enix developers announced that they have done it I changed the code Del Sage, one of the new “Jobs” Final Fantasy XIV To meet the needs of those who suffer Trypophobia, or phobia of holes.

For beginners who are affected by this I’m bothering He experiences a feeling of horror, nausea and disgust, but also panic attacks, nausea, and chills in the most severe cases, at the sight of recurring patterns, which consist of small, close and deep holes, such as those in a bath sponge or the internal structure of a honeycomb. It is not currently officially recognized as a mental disorder, but the number of people affected by it in the world is large.

the sage It is one of two new jobs coming with Endwalker’s highly anticipated expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. Despite belonging to the wizard class, this class uses four floating blades, called Nouliths, to cast spells and special attacks. The icon of the job specifically included the four arms mentioned above, which in their stylized version are remotely reminiscent of four sewing needles, and which alarmed those suffering from trypophobia.

Fortunately, the developers of Final Fantasy XIV have shown over the years that they particularly care about their players’ feedback and immediately ran for coverage with modsicon So that it is no inconvenience to trypophobia sufferers, as you can see in the image below.

On the left, the old icon of Sage of Final Fantasy XIV, and on the right the new icon.
On the left, the old icon of Sage of Final Fantasy XIV, and on the right the new icon.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker will be available for PC, PS5, and PS4 starting November 23. If you haven’t played the previous expansion yet, here are five reasons to play Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.

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