Celebrating migratory birds and flag in Vitrizau.  : mirambo

Celebrating migratory birds and flag in Vitrizau. : mirambo

teal with sign 20 09 2021.jpg

How to track a bird’s movements. GM

Celebrating science and migratory birds in Vitrezay During the first half of October, science and migratory birds will be celebrated at the Echappées Nature site in Vitrezay during two events organized in partnership with the BioSphère Environnement Institute for Syndicate Research. The first event will be presented as part of the Fête de la Science, a national day organized by the Ministry responsible for higher education, research and innovation each year to allow as many people as possible to discover the world. Actors who make the flag today. For this celebration, on Sunday 3 October, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, scientists from BioSphère Environnement and Vitrezay invite the public to workshops to discover the tools and methods used to study the movements of wild animals. During these workshops, the public will be able to discover the different materials animals can be equipped with to track them and how their movements can be followed to the other side of the planet using new technologies. The second event will be organized as part of World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday 9 October. On this international day that aims to raise awareness among as many people as possible about the vulnerability of migratory bird populations and the need for international cooperation to conserve them, Dr. Rafael Musso, a specialist in migratory birds, will attend from 6:30 pm to 6:30 pm evening. 7:30 pm Conference on the mysteries of bird migration. This conference will be an opportunity to discover the migration strategies of many bird species as well as the way they find their way from their breeding grounds to their wintering areas. Information and reservations for these two events: Vitrezay Echappée Nature: Phone: 05 46 49 89 89; Email: [email protected]

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