Cast Show: DSDS: Thomas Gottschalk Jumps for Dieter Bohlen – Entertainment

Cast Show: DSDS: Thomas Gottschalk Jumps for Dieter Bohlen – Entertainment

The DSDS semi-finals will be held on Saturday 27 March, and the final one a week later (April 3). It was known for a long time that after the current season, a major jury change was imminent. RTL announced that Bohlen’s time on the show would be ending in nearly 20 years. In fact, the pop giant should be judging the two finalists one last time in the two live shows. His short illness prevented it.

Gottschalk definitely has experience with casting formats. Sometimes he was a jury member of the RTL program “Das Supertalent”, which features talented harmonica players and smart dogs. By his side at the time: Dieter Bohlin. At Gottschalk’s height as governors on Saturday night, the two were competing. Gottschalk ran “Wetten, dass ..?” , Bohlen led the attack on the King of Odds with “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”.

RTL was clearly satisfied with the staff. Entertainment director Kay Storm said, “Dieter’s steps are big. If someone has the right shoe size, it’s Thomas Gottschalk.” Ute Biernat of production company Ufa Show & Factual said Gottschalk would complement the musical expertise of Might Kelly and Mike Singer with “humor, charm, and star attraction”.

The large jury-backed chairs have continued into the current DSDS season. Initially, in addition to Bohlen, Kelly and Singer, pop singer Michael Wendler sat on the committee. The 48-year-old has now been banned from being featured on RTL.

His place remained an orphan after that, and there was no alternative. Bohlen himself announced the decision on his Instagram channel. At the time, the pop giant was still in his position and dignity.

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