Carcassonne.  CRS 57 police officers are equipped with a CrossFit space in the barracks

Carcassonne. CRS 57 police officers are equipped with a CrossFit space in the barracks

In the presence of representatives from the city, partner, the CrossFit space inside CRS 57 was opened yesterday morning. A real addition!

cA way out of the crisis, after a very complicated period…” Yesterday, during the opening of the Cross Country space inside CRS 57 in Carcassonne, captain Jean-François Pogo was delighted with this necessary installation that would not have taken place without the participation of Mutuelle interériale, the municipality of Carcassonne, or even the Sports Federation of the National Police (FSPN). All at a cost of about 20,000 euros.

It’s not an insignificant amount.”CRS 57 commander, insists, after a ‘A period of health crisis that was very complex’. With “Loss of social bonds, individual freedom and people’s stress”. For Jean-François Bougou, this installation cannot be performed within CRS 57 Without partner support.

The city’s deputy sports representative, Yazid Laraj, did not hesitate to salute “The city’s good relations with CRS 57”Which made this project a reality. President of the CRS 57 Athletic Association, which has about a hundred members, William Paredes can’t help but praise the usefulness of this new CrossFit space, created in a dedicated space on the site: “We do sports on a daily basis. Whether on the go or at home. Here, all the installed equipment is what we move on next. Wherever we are, we are able to train.

What to give so little morale to the troops, in a period that remains uncertain despite the dismantling process that has begun.

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