Buying the PS5: New Consoles – Saturn and MediaMarkt Finally In Focus

Buying the PS5: New Consoles – Saturn and MediaMarkt Finally In Focus

  • Ghost Rademacher

    FromGhost Rademacher


Even today, MediaMarkt and Saturn can bring long-awaited supplies for PS5 fans. We’ll let you know about the opportunities for new consoles.

  • After several months of running short of supplies Pre-orders It seems that charging the PS5 is gaining speed again.
  • at Saturn And the Media Market There are currently more reports from keyboardin order to Pre-order Ready for collection.
  • More clearance PS5 Expected from the weekend, including new ones Delivery With in stock keyboard It must be on the way.

Update from 02/15 2021 – That was another shot in the oven: You didn’t miss, unfortunately there wasn’t any new shot at the weekend PS5 keyboard To take advantage. Shops Media Market And the Saturn It remained as cold as this beginning of winter. One of the reasons for this could be how the games Reports indicate that traders now want to ditch last year’s strategy. This is not so keyboard In stock, there are also no orders. A pre-order for “Good Luck” like the month of December will now be made with Sony PS5 No longer give.

The name of the console PlayStation 5 (PS5)
the creator Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
Type Fixed gaming console
generation 09. Console generation
Medium memory Blu-ray
Release 19. November 2020

By the way, this week is also sure to finally witness new events keyboard To be delivered later. However, the same was expected last week. Then they fell sales Dependent PS5 Except for trace amounts GameStop And the Midi max But in the water. So we advise you to keep your eyes open, you can start at any time, but do not waste much energy on this hope – it can do too PS5 Keep waiting another week. When it starts or there is new information about Renewal Dependent Sony PS5 Of course we will inform you of that.

PS5 purchase: New consoles from MediaMarkt and Saturn are expected

Update from 02/13/2021 Unfortunately, yesterday and the day before yesterday remained the hope Renewal a PS5 controllers at Saturn And the Media Market In Germany. According to media reports like, the chances are good that the next wave of sales PlayStation 5 It can start anytime on the weekend. The day before yesterday, for example, at Electronic stores From Media Market in Austria PS5 controllers Sold to new customers. During the day, fans had the opportunity to get fresh copies of new copies Sony controller To believe in.

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So it can be assumed that the expected wholesale delivery is always included Saturn And the Media Market Can reach. There was also yesterday in other dealers like GameStop or Midi max New possibility keyboard In your Electronic stores To order. Unfortunately, the show was here too PS5keyboard From Sony Very limited yet. However, with new orders, the chances could be fourth Sales wave It can start at the end. Unfortunately, accurate forecasts cannot be made yet. If there is new keyboard at Saturn or Media Market Of course I will inform you immediately.

Update from 11/02/2021: It was finally time last week – Saturn And the Media Market Can new PS5keyboard Send it to your customers or make it available for collection. Unfortunately, this stopped Renewal Available almost exclusively for pre-order, which means many fans still don’t PS5 To buy He can. But according to the latest media reports, that may change immediately, as it is clear that the camps should be from Saturn And the Media Market With the new keyboard From Sony Fill up.

Among other things I mentioned About that as of the new day Sales wave to me PlayStation 5 pending. It seems like wholesalers expected Saturn And the Media Market Hand over to PS5keyboard. In regards to last week’s wave of deliveries, first orders should be possible again from today. But how big is it keyboardRenewal It will fail is not yet clear.

It also looks like it could be a The fourth wave of sales Ataxia until next week. Here it can happen that only small amounts of keyboard They are sold to new customers. For those who haven’t yet PS5 We have a list Electronic stores Ready, as the next wave can start today through next week.

about Germany Gameswirtschaft notes that new online selling can start basically every day. However, it is also noted that the Internet retailer This will appear in the new sales of PS5 You must prepare. The site also mentions the following locations for potential new supplies:

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Update from 04/02/2021 – We reported it a few days ago, and now we can Pre-order on PS5 at Media Market And the Saturn Really happy. How the games According to the situation yesterday evening, all pre-orders must be reported keyboard, With very few exceptions, on the way to Fans Located throughout Germany. The past is not yet with PS5 Supplied customers are now those who PS5 Personally through Filialabholung He wanted to receive.

Even if you are not lucky PS5-Vorbestellern at Media Market And the Saturn Heard, current deliveries are a great sign. After each their pre-order keyboard It can logically receive new requests from PS5 Be within it. So we wouldn’t be surprised if the next happened in a few days PS5 wave at Media Market And the Saturn running Fans Collapses. So far he is just a little impatient.

Buy PS5: Media Markt and Saturn offer consoles

Update from 01/02/2021 There is more good news for all of you PS5 at Saturn or Media Market Pre-ordered and already purchased. The electronics dealer has a new supply keyboard From Sony Obtain. Accordingly, everyone can and will do so Pre-order a keyboard Replied in the next few days. It appears that there was indeed one for every customer PlayStation 5 Reserved and customized.

The company is currently in the new delivery phase of PS5. Customers should carefully check their emails to see if their console has actually been sent out or is ready to receive. Already in the morning hours Media Market And the Saturn They began to deliver supplies from clients to their customers. So, if you haven’t yet received a notification, you must be patient, as that day and the next few days will continue under high stress.

Originally published: Hamburg, Germany – Are you still waiting for thy? PS5? You probably won’t be alone with this. Many are still waiting Pre-order Nationwide upon arrival Sony– console, or at least when charging. While it was the fourth Sales wave It is gradually becoming less likely that German retailers will actually ship more and more products keyboard For the frustrated Fans. Especially in Saturn And the Media Market Finally he has a row of testimonials for Collection Given and even after the end of the week it should be more Pre-orders It is sent.

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Buying PS5: Consoles of both types are ready – many combos recently

From him PS5 At retailers Saturn And the Media Market Pre-ordered, you should closely monitor the order status in the next few days until the first week of February. How Gameswirtschaft is a PS5 provider I mentioned, going from these two series again since Monday Demand #% s to me Fans Outside. Both digital versions of keyboard In addition to those with a drive, they are processed in practically all federal states and not only ship orders required, but also collectible. keyboard Their owners should now be waiting in the markets.

Good timing for those with a PS Plus subscription, because the PS Plus games for February 2021 are always top-notch. Some order numbers have also been processed particularly recently. So it should be many Demand #% s The numbers 9163x, 9164x, 9166x, 9167x, 9180x, 9182x, and 9183x are frequently used. Saturn And the Media Market has been sent. Since Wednesday the numbers have been sent to PS5 It might have gone down again, but overall, according to the gaming economy, since last week keyboard Sent in a four-digit range.

PS5 Purchase: Weekend Supplies – Pre-orders should be completed soon

The Pre-order disaster Dependent PS5 It looks like it’s about to expire soon, too. According to reports, truck deliveries will resume along with new truck supplies over the weekend keyboard Reach out to execution centers and retailers. This is likely in Saturn And the Media Market I continued working on finalizing the remaining pre-orders keyboard To supply. According to Gameswirtschaft, everyone should be open by the end of the first week of February Pre-orders Done and delivered or picked up. Also new Demand #% s In the near future there won’t be much to come.

PS5 purchase: new consoles ready for assembly – more expected this weekend

© Sony / Media-Saturn-Holding

Fourth Sales wave Dependent PS5 It was actually expected in January. The amount is still open and will be handed over Demand #% s But it looks like it was way too big for the new ones sales It was previously only possible sporadically. With some bad luck, it can PS5 But it also remains scarce for the rest of the year if console production material remains very scarce. This material is also used on a number of other devices and is currently competing with Nvidia, AMD and Apple.

Rubriklistenbild: © Sony / Media-Saturn-Holding

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