Business and tattoos: how is the concept of tattoos changing in different parts of the world?  –

Business and tattoos: how is the concept of tattoos changing in different parts of the world? –

Some cultures are not quite tattooed, while in others, tattoos are also accepted in the work. However, according to research from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, highly visual designs can significantly reduce employment opportunities. An article by Sibyl von der Schulenburg dedicated to business etiquette to avoid making mistakes during interviews or business meetings will be released in April 2022

The business world is a physical and mental space that has no defined boundaries, but its rules are sometimes strict, especially if they are related to culture and tradition. In an article to be published by Golem Edizioni in mid-April 2022, author and entrepreneur Sibyl von der Schulenburg addresses the topic of international business etiquette, the unwritten etiquette for those who want to conduct business internationally without risking offence, with incorrect behavior across different culture hubs.

“Work – explains Sibyl von der Schulenburg – is work of course, but for those who frequent this world it is something more: it is an opportunity for growth, a match for power or a way of life. The businessman or businesswoman enters a role that is not defined By not only the commercial objective but also by various other factors, many of which are determined by the reference culture.Sitting at a table with Westerners can be very different from meeting Eastern subjects, if the room that welcomes us is in Tokyo and not in New York, The differences are more obvious.Modern business etiquette has not changed much compared to what it was thirty years ago, just as the common etiquette has not changed much, the bon ton that is increasingly becoming known by people in general.However, the approach to business has changed international trade, which gave more space to cultural pluralism, and the interaction of subjects from different cultures.”

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Sibyl von der Schulenburg’s article offers the opportunity to understand many of the etiquette required of business people moving around the world, starting with knowing the roots of some of the most well-known dictates of etiquette in intercultural relations. Those who wish to do business in China should have a clue about the franchising mechanisms that regulate the lives of the Chinese and those who leave for Japan should know what are the schemes of will formation of the company in that country, but knowing their roots will be able to benefit from them instead It risks failure because it is unable to envisage a process other than the Western one.

What is the relationship between business and tattoos in different countries of the world? In the Land of the Rising Sun, tattooing has gone through history for several centuries, and has always been associated with crime: first the prisoners and then the yakuza, the Japanese mafia. And for a certain time, tattoos were also banned and all this left traces in the general feeling of people.

The perception of tattoos varies a lot depending on whether it is being viewed by an Asian or a Westerner, in cities like Tokyo or in more traditional centers like Kyoto, but in general, the design on the skin is not well seen anywhere in the country. . Many public restrooms, for example, prohibit entry for people with tattoos, large hotel resorts provide towels to cover them, and many restaurants, museums, and other facilities open to the public deny entry to people with tattoos.

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A foreigner who arrives in Japan ignoring its history finds himself sometimes discriminated against in a way that is humiliating and unimaginable to the Western mind. We have come up with a network of tattoo friendly hotels and websites in which the tattooed tourist who cannot hide the ink under their clothes can feel comfortable. It goes without saying that companies only hire people who don’t show tattoos. Some companies go so far as to ask during job interviews if candidates have tattoos, and if yes, refuse to hire.

“Japanese business etiquette – adds Sibyl von der Schulenburg – thus states that there is nothing decisive and meaningless to appeal to the rights of individual liberty which finds consensus only in the West, except that you are a large client with enormous contractual power. However, if the tattoo has been shown before Western person, tattoos are sometimes more tolerant, especially by people in the street. One wonders why and the answer may not be honorable to Westerners.”

How are tattoos displayed in other parts of the world? In Italy, companies can include references to external appearance and decoration in their policy, but tattoos cannot be a discriminatory element. However, in the UK it is legal not to hire someone to do a tattoo, unless it is linked – but must be proven – by religion. In the United States, forcing employees to cover their own tattoos is not considered a violation of the First Amendment, while in New Zealand, where tattoos are an important part of Maori culture, forcing employees to cover them could spark a debate about national scope: the national airline found itself in The violent controversy overturned after she asked flight attendants and flight attendants to hide any tattoos.

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Do people with tattoos have fewer chances of finding a job or closing a deal? Some time ago, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland conducted a survey to understand the impact of tattoos in the workplace. To do this, he edited some pictures of the candidates, added tattoos and then asked some managers to rate them for potential hiring. Those with very visual graphics were considered less suited to taking on roles of a certain type, which probably involve contact with the audience, even though they had the same skills as everyone else.

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