Bülow Legend Hansa provides good entertainment in Boltenhagen

Bülow Legend Hansa provides good entertainment in Boltenhagen

The result dampened the good mood somewhat in the Sommerlaune bistro in Boltenhagen. Hansa Rostock lost the cup match in Lübeck 0-1. Kiblo, former Hansa cable, was also in attendance.

Boltenhagen. That was a blow to Hansa Rostock. 0:1 in the regional league in Lübeck is painful. The second division team was eliminated from the competition again in the first round. Important income is lost and fans miss potential duels with Bundesliga clubs. Also in Boltenhagen, the host and visitors imagined the game, which was broadcast on a big screen in the Sommerlaune restaurant, in a completely different way. After all, Dirk Schiewer once again invited notable visitors. Kai Bülow, a longtime FC Hansa player, came to Spa City to watch and comment on the game on the big screen with a few fans.

“He did it with confidence and in his humble way. Kai prepared well for Hansa and Lübeck’s opponents and showed the fans that he was a total professional,” says Dirk Scheuer, Sommerlaune President. Polo was available before the match, in the first half and after the match. In the end, of course, he too was disappointed that Hansa had to give up, so to speak. However, he didn’t want to spoil the weekend in Boltenhagen.

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