Budget cuts worry the research world

Budget cuts worry the research world

Unions, as well as various organizations such as the University of France, have published press releases expressing their concern about these savings.
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The Academy of Sciences is concerned about the cancellation of appropriations that represent approximately 3% of the research budget and conflict with the ambitions expressed by the President of the Republic last December.

Last December, the President of the Republic delivered a one-hour speech about French research before an audience of 300 scientists. He particularly supported the establishment of a new Presidential Scientific Council. A desire, no doubt, to reconcile with the scientific community tired of administrative burdens and lack of resources. But after Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire announced on February 21 a savings plan that would cut the research and higher education budget by 900 million euros, if there was a reconciliation, it was short-lived.

Unions, as well as various organizations such as the University of France, or the prestigious Academy of Sciences, have published press releases expressing their concern about these savings. It's a disastrous decision Boris Gralac, Secretary General of the National Scientific Research Union SNCS-FSU, reacts. These discounts are…

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