Bridge Festival (Three Provinces) Three Provinces Brive-la-Gaillard July 1, 2023 Three Provinces Brive-la-Gaillard.

Brave La Gaillard, Corrèze

Organized by Brave Bridge Club. July 1 and 2.
2023-07-01 at; End: 07-01-2023. .
Three provinces area
Brive-la-Gaillarde 19100 Corrèze New-Aquitaine

Humorous Workshop with Jean-Luc Deglien, Crabol (Dupuy)
“Learn how to draw a Crabbling Cat!” (limited scale)

Organized by Brivoise Bridge Club. July 1 and 2.

Organisiert from Bridge Club Brivist. AM 1. and 2. July.

Updated on 2023-06-07 by Brive Tourisme

The Tri-Provinces area in the countryside of La Gaillard