Botswana threatens Germany by sending 20,000 elephants to it

Botswana threatens Germany by sending 20,000 elephants to it

Vicki Joron, Babylon and Beyond/Getty Images

Vicki Joron, Babylon and Beyond/Getty Images

International – While Berlin criticizes the poaching and trophy export practiced by Botswana, the head of the African country is particularly angry. He simply threatened Germany with the transfer of up to 20,000 elephants.

The Germans must “Living with animals and they try to dictate orders to us.”Botswana leader Mokgweetsi Masisi said in statements to the German daily newspaper Bild Published online Tuesday. “This is not a joke”He added that he offered to resettle 20,000 elephants in the northern European country.

“We would like to give this gift to Germany”Mokgweetsi Masisi said, adding that “You won't take no for an answer.”.

Botswana, a landlocked country in southern Africa, is home to the world's largest elephant population, about 130,000, with which coexistence is often difficult according to the president, who has cited attacks against humans, villages and crops.

Critics of Germany's environmentalist-led environment ministry target elephant hunting prizes for wealthy Western clients. Earlier this year, the ministry raised the possibility of imposing stricter restrictions on the import of these trophies due to poaching problems.

the “Botswana has not yet made contact.”

“Within the European Union, we are holding discussions with a view to extending the import permit requirement (…) to include other hunting trophies of protected animals.”A ministry spokesman told AFP on Tuesday, April 2. Since Germany is one of the largest importers of hunting trophies in the European Union, it has done so in this regard “Special responsibility”she added.

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About the ” gift “ As envisioned by President Masisi, the German Environment Ministry noted that “Botswana has not yet made contact.” with him about this.

In 2019, Botswana lifted a comprehensive ban on hunting, which had been imposed five years earlier to reverse declines in the numbers of elephants and other species. This raise angered environmentalists. Commercial fishing is also an important source of local income.

Since then, Botswana has decided every year to set a quota of animals that can be hunted. Last year, the country also provided 8,000 elephants to Angola and 500 to Mozambique in 2022.

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