Boris Johnson apologizes to victims’ families ‘for pain and loss’

Boris Johnson apologizes to victims’ families ‘for pain and loss’

The former British Prime Minister is being questioned again in the public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic.

Boris Johnson is once again at the center of all the criticism. This Wednesday, the former British Prime Minister, during a long-awaited hearing in the public inquiry into the Covid pandemic, apologized to the families of coronavirus victims “for the pain and loss.”

He said: “I am deeply sorry for the pain, loss and suffering” of these victims and their families, as the disease has claimed 232,000 lives in the UK.

During the first minutes of this new hearing, the former politician also wanted to thank the “hundreds of thousands of health workers and many other civil servants, people from all walks of life” who worked at the peak of the pollution.

After once again admitting that he had “undoubtedly made mistakes”, Boris Johnson stressed that “in hindsight, he can see that he should have done things differently. But at the time, we felt we were doing the best we could.”

“We have a large elderly population. We unfortunately suffer from many Covid-related comorbidities, and we are a densely populated country, the second most populous country in Europe, and this has not helped us,” he explains again.

Questions and criticism

Since the hearings began last June, these collaborators, including many advisers and scholars, have described an exhausted and indecisive prime minister, with little concern for victims when the pandemic struck in early 2020, and a divided and chaotic government.

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Did it take Boris Johnson long to impose the first confinement at the end of March 2020? Did he assess the epidemic? Did he understand science? Was he indifferent to the victims, especially the elderly? These questions should be discussed during the day.

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