Best times to upgrade your gear at the Blacksmith – Diablo IV

The article about improving experience gain on Diablo 4 has interested many gamers. Today, I suggest you look at what levels there are to improve items. As you know, it is possible to improve an item in the blacksmith. However, it is more interesting to do this at specific times.

In an article posted on redditThatJumpyJumpS touches on an interesting topic. This can be useful for defeating an elite monster that is causing trouble, or for improvement.

in a way Diablo 2 and its very important featuresDiablo IV also contains levels in which the improvement of objects goes through a certain path. In other words, upgrading an item at a certain time will bring you great benefits, and sometimes it’s better to wait for the right moment than to upgrade your equipment indiscriminately.

Let’s take a concrete example:

  1. You have item ilvl 337.
  2. You go to the blacksmith to improve it. It costs you materials.
  3. You gain strength. great.
  4. No, in fact, you should have waited until you had the ilvl 340 item because the benefits would have been much higher.

In fact, a level 340 item is a level 3 item, while an ilvl 337 item is a level 2. This means that a level 3 item has access to more items than the others: stats, bonus skills, and so on.

If you are heart level 3, for example with an ilvl 400 item, you can go to the blacksmith and spend your compositions. On the other hand, if you are about to pass a class, it is best to wait a bit and get the items from the higher level.

to bear element level
1 1-149
2 150-339
3 340-459
4 460-624
5 625-724
6 725+

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