Belleville-en-Beaujolais.  Bel-Air High School organizes a game space to discuss climate change

Belleville-en-Beaujolais. Bel-Air High School organizes a game space to discuss climate change

We met two of these students, Romain Vermorel and Joalis Grevier, who took turns answering our questions.

Why did you use the Escape Game tool?

“Because it is always easier to learn while playing or having fun, then it seemed to us that this tool is well suited to raise awareness of climate change and its consequences in the future. The game is aimed at pupils from the age of 4H 3H The second (four classes in total) from our high school. »

What will be the topic?

“We imagined the arrival of a new grapevine disease, as destructive as phylloxera*, and which starts destroying the Beaujolais vines before attacking other regions.”

Will they have mysteries to solve?

“Yes, sure, five in full respect of the order and of different difficulties depending on the class, the seconds quests will be more difficult than the four quests.”H , we adapted. The students will split into groups and make up the IPCC **Scientists and they will have one hour to find the cure. They will find this cure in connection with what is essential to life, thanks to the elements: earth, water and light. »

Have you been working on this event for a long time?

“The whole class has been working on this project for four months, once or twice a week. We had to find the puzzles and also the interrelationship between them. Then we actually went to the classes to explain the principle and the application to them.”

What will you do after the match?

The discussion will begin in order to draw lessons from it. »

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* Phylloxera: It is a stinging insect related to aphids. ** Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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