Belgian star explorer Dixie Dancercore died in Greenland, and the rest is wanted

Belgian star explorer Dixie Dancercore died in Greenland, and the rest is wanted

Belgium has lost its most famous explorer. Especially famous To cross Antarctica Dixie Dancircour, walking with his friend Alain Hubert, died on Monday evening, according to a number of Belgian media. He then went in search of a safe place to set up his temporary residence with fellow Canadian Sebastian Ude, to spend the night there.

Dansercoer was leading the way when the ice broke under his feet. I have fallen into the abyss. His colleague couldn’t do anything. A helicopter quickly arrived at the scene, 3:30 hours later, but again to no avail. The incision was so deep that the body was not visible to the naked eye. “He tried everything to descend into the abyss, but it is incredibly deep and there was no eye contact with the body,” says his friend Stefan Maes, who worked with him. From La Voix du Nord.

Alain Hubert (left) and Dixie Dansercoer (right) returning from an expedition in 2007 of more than 4,000 kilometers between Siberia and Greenland on skis. AFP / BELGA / ERIC VIDAL AFP / BELGA / ERIC VIDAL

The search lasted several hours, but they had to stop due to difficult conditions, our colleagues continued. They were unable to resume this Tuesday. Suffice it to say that the chances of survival are now considered zero.

Married and the father of four, Dixie Dancercore went to Greenland last April with Sebastian Ude and Dutchman Joanna Adriana Simone Maria. They were launched at a flight of more than 2,000 km. “It was reassuring to go on an expedition with him. He was known for his attention to detail when it came to security measures,” continued his friend Stefan Maes. Unfortunately, sometimes all the precautions in the world are not enough.

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