Bar managers jailed in Russia on LGBT+ “extremism” charges are the first of their kind

Bar managers jailed in Russia on LGBT+ “extremism” charges are the first of their kind

In November 2023, the Russian Supreme Court banned the International LGBT Movement on charges of “extremism,” vague wording that opens the door to heavy prison sentences.


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Gay pride in Saint Petersburg (Russia), August 12, 2017. (OLGA MALTSEVA / AFP)

This is the first for this reason in Russia. Bar managersOrenburg, Town in the Ural Mountains, was placed on remand for “extremism” LGBT+, Wednesday, March 20, and risk up to ten years in prison.

“This is the first criminal case of its kind in Russia after the Supreme Court's dismissal [sous l’étiquette] Extreme LGBT movement” Ekaterina Mizulina, human rights activist, welcomed the meeting “traditional values” Defended by Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president, who has just been reappointed to head his country for a six-year term, has long been promoted “the family” Religion faces the West, as he described it “decadent”, until “Satanic.” Since the large-scale attack on Ukraine, which began at the end of February 2022, the Russian authorities have increasingly repressed sexual minorities.

Several Russians have been fined in recent weeks, for example, for posting photos showing rainbow flags online, or, in the case of two women, for posting a video of their kiss.

Increase in police raids

In November 2023, in this context, the Russian Supreme Court banned the “International LGBT Movement” on charges of “extremism,” a vague formulation that opens the door to heavy prison sentences.

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Police raids and intimidation at bars and clubs open to the LGBT community have increased in Russia in recent weeks following the Supreme Court decision.

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