Banned cigarettes for those born after 2004 “Italy follows suit”

Banned cigarettes for those born after 2004 “Italy follows suit”

The new Zeland It launched an ambitious challenge to say the least: progressive government Jacinda Ardern She announced a series of proposals to ban cigarettes for a generation beyond 2004.
We need a new approachAnd Deputy Minister of Health, Aisha Viral, confirmed. “Around 4,500 New Zealanders die every year from tobacco and we need to accelerate so we can reach the goal of eliminating smoking in 2025.The plan includes a gradual increase in the legal smoking age, and a ban on selling cigarettes and tobacco products to anyone born after 2004, making smoking nearly illegal for this generation.
The proposals have been welcomed by many public health organizations, but also in bewilderment and criticism, for example by the owners of small tobacco shops, while others fear the risk that organized crime will thrive on the black market even more.
Cigarettes in New Zealand cause one in four deaths from cancer, and about half a million people have a smoking habit, which is mainly prevalent among Maori: cancer is the leading cause of death among women in the indigenous community and the second among men.
it’s a “An ambitious project that must be followed and repeated also in our country, thus eliminating the ancestral vice that causes suffering and death among many Italian families.Codacons’ national head, Marco Donzelli commented. “The data is shocking – more than 93 thousand people die every year in our country; Over 25% of these deaths are between 35 and 65 years old. Regarding minors, in all Italian regions, they showed that in 2018, the year in which the last survey was conducted, the percentage of children claiming to have smoked cigarettes for at least one day in the last 30 days significantly increases with age, both among boys and girls. With a noticeable difference between the sexes of 15 (24.8% among boys and 31.9% among girls). But not only. Tobacco use is responsible for 25% of all cancer deaths globally. Nicotine and tobacco products also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular and lung diseases. More than a million people die every year from exposure to secondhand smoke; It is time to say enough: We will ask the Ministry of Health for a vigorous and courageous intervention, with a similar provision that will increase the legal age for smoking, and discourage thousands of young people from engaging in murderous vice.“.

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