Australia maintains double punishment

Australia maintains double punishment

The announcement of the Supreme Court’s decision sparked a number of reactions. 243446992/

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court just made a major reversal.

In Sydney

Life imprisonment, without even being tried, is a fate that has been reserved for unregistered people in Australia for more than twenty years. The Supreme Court has just made a radical change on this topic. In a recent ruling, the Court held that administrative detention, which is unlimited in the case of illegal immigrants who cannot be deported (because they benefit from refugee status, or are stateless), is unconstitutional.

As a result, 92 people were immediately released, some of whom had been detained for more than thirteen years, and more than 300 more could soon follow. “This is the most significant development in administrative detention and immigration in Australia in twenty years», welcomes lawyer Alison Pattison, whose organization, Human Rights for All, defends about two dozen of them.

Ironically, this legal victory was won by a pedophile, who was convicted…

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