Aurseulles: The “Village Square” has been opened at DOC

Aurseulles: The “Village Square” has been opened at DOC

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DOC’s ‘Village Square’ is designed as a work of art. © Renaissance Picin

the DOC (Finger in bald man’s ear) Saint-Germain Dictot (Calvados), the municipality of Urseol, launched a participatory project to redevelop the public space of the building that houses the collective café, Shaddock Cafe.

Saturday, October 7, 2023Volunteers and professional speakers opened the new space in attendance Gerard Leguayand Mayor of Urseol, Christine Lemaire, Vice Mayor of the city, and several elected officials and residents.

“Fifteen years ago, DOC was based in a tractor shed. It presents numerous musical events both inside and outside the walls. Today, the structure takes on an artistic form and is perceived as a multi-functional space with urban furniture and floral sculptures.” Maxime LambertHead of DOC.

The public discovered the mural decorating the sides of the building (a former dairy) created by muralist Miguel do Amaral Coutinho. Collectif Maneuver artists have designed the living space as a woodwork that anyone can make themselves. The small participatory gardens were created by urban landscaper Maël Trémaudan.

The DOC “Village Square” project was jointly financed by the Le DOC Association, the Municipality of Aurseulles, the European Union with FEADER-LEADER and the State with the Union Life Development Funds.

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