At the end there will be a (small) launch patch – Final Fantasy World

At the end there will be a (small) launch patch – Final Fantasy World

Finally, reality caught up with a development team Final Fantasy XVI. After promising to make sure the game will ship without any launch updates (or First day of correction), the creators announced today, during the live broadcastthat there will be one. On the other hand, do not panic: it will be a very small patch, about 300MB, which will be released on the Internet on June 20th. This means that once you put the disc into the console or download the game at launch on June 22nd, the patch will be downloaded and installed in turn.

A release of such a patch isn’t completely ruled out, because Hiroshi Takai recently indicated that his team continued to test the game extensively, including after gold, in order to find potential problems. However, the developers have made it clear that the concerns that led to the preparation of this patch are very minor, which means that they will not prevent you from enjoying the adventure even without downloading it. Details here:

  • Fixed a control issue that made progression impossible under very specific circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the game to close unexpectedly under certain, very specific circumstances.
  • Improved performance in several places.
  • Fixed some minor text bugs.

During the demo, the developers also commented on the feedback from the playable demo released a few days ago. On this occasion, they indicated that the game will continue to benefit from patches even after release in order to modify the various elements inspired by these returns, including technical performance and certain options. Here is a summary of their responses to the main comments they noted:

There are a lot of scenes

  • It’s normal, because it’s the beginning of the game. The rest of the game looks more like the bonus part included in the demo, but there will also be plenty of scenes in the most important moments of the story.

Lip-syncing isn’t terrible

  • This comment is based on the Japanese version. The creators say they considered bringing lip-syncing back to Japanese, but abandoned it because it would have been too much work, and the AI ​​tools didn’t work well.

the frame rate unstable

  • Updates will be released to improve the image refresh rate.

Motion blur sucks

  • The team is looking into adding an option to set or disable motion blur, as well as other options for changing camera speed and disabling automatic camera tracking.

Battles are boring

  • Try playing in action mode! Or equip different props to find your preferred style of play. Moreover, this is only the beginning of the game, and the possibilities will be more varied in the rest of the game (as shown in the bonus level in the demo). The team offers to watch This is a demo of the system By battling director Ryota Suzuki to see what is possible.

Where is the minimap? Why aren’t there more options?

  • The team considered adding a mini-map, but chose not to use it to encourage players to monitor their surroundings rather than follow a set path. However, some areas will display a full map to open by pressing the touchpad.
  • On the topic of options, the team will consider adding other configurations for the controls.
  • By the way, a little trick that is not explained enough: you can move from one target to another by pressing R3 (right joystick).

The demo broke my PS5

  • Square Enix and Sony are currently looking into this issue, but the team advises dusting off their console if you’ve had it for a while.

The game is still very dark

  • FFXVI It is optimized for viewing in HDR, so it is recommended to activate it if your TV is compatible. On the one hand, this means that the game may appear darker on TV in SDR (without HDR). It is then advisable to adjust the brightness.

The last interesting information that was sent during this program: FFXVI It almost came on two discs instead of just one. But since this increased production costs and required the release to be finished gold Earlier, they decided to do everything to fit the game into one disc. Recall that FFVII Rebirthlike Remake of FFVII On PS4, it will already be released on two discs next year.

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