ASM Clermont: Rob Simmons and a young New Zealander have signed up for two seasons

ASM Clermont: Rob Simmons and a young New Zealander have signed up for two seasons

As announced on Sunday, Australian strong second line Rob Simmons (2m, 112kg) has signed a two-year contract with ASM Clermont. With him (33 years, 106 caps, three World Cups), the AFC relies on very high experience.

After Folau Fainga’a (hooker), Mohamed Hawass (pole), Beta Jos Sowakula (#8) and Marcus Kremer (third row), Christophe Aureus has the fifth recruit for the upcoming season. and even sextant.

At present, five departures have been recorded

Since, in another profile, young New Zealander Chris Gabriel (23 years old) (2.03m, 128kg), on trial a few weeks ago, also committed for two seasons with the yellow and blue.

In the direction of departure, five moves have been recorded at the moment: Damien Benaud (Bordeaux), Arthur Iturria (Bayonne), Jodicelle Canquerette (La Rochelle), Adrien Bellesi (Brève) and Miles Amatosero (Waratas).

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