ASM Clermont: Benson Stanley will also leave the staff and must join another top 14 team

ASM Clermont: Benson Stanley will also leave the staff and must join another top 14 team

The family photo of July 10, date of ASM’s resumption, will certainly not resemble the photo of summer 2022, with the exception of Didier Ritier (Director of Sporting Development) and Aurelien Ruggeri (Sporting Director).

To say this season has been a major understatement is therefore a mild understatement as the Claremont staff will be reviewed from floor to ceiling, and in the end there will be more exits than the next.

It all started with the departure in January of Xavier Sadorny, the coach of the back lines. Throw in the towel due to fatigue, after the defeat on New Year’s Day against Toulouse. Three weeks later it was head coach, Jono Gibbs, who was hired, following on the heels of recruiting Christophe Jourius.

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In early April, scrum advisor Dato Zirakashvili resigned, leaving his specific task to the new head of ASM.

Stanley towards Montpellier

Since the arrival of the Urios, Project Futures has been developed and we know that Jared Payne (Defense Specialist) and Julien Le Devedec (Sideside Coach) will not be part of the adventure.

Finally, while he was expected to stay, Benson Stanley (Skills Specialist) would continue his career away from Claremont. According to our information, the New Zealander, who arrived from Pau in the summer of 2020, could join the Ministry of Human Rights, under the leadership of Philippe Saint-Andre.

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As for the future, Christophe Orius will surround himself with the two assistants he left in November in Bordeaux; namely Julien Larl and Frédéric Charrier. The first will be responsible for all fronts work, and the second will be responsible for grazing work.

There will also be changes on the physical coaches side as Johnny Claxton and Scott Crane will not be the Clairmontees next season.

Christophe Boron

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