Argentines (Andre) Orani Huet takes off on a 3,000-kilometre journey in New Zealand

Argentines (Andre) Orani Huet takes off on a 3,000-kilometre journey in New Zealand

Gone are the days when Uranie Huet—originally from Merle-Blanc, Argenton—was considered the shy guy in the neighborhood. At the age of 29, she will fly to the other side of the world in a few weeks.

On November 9, 2022, you will take over the management New Zealand (Pacific Southwest) to climb over 3,000 km across the country from north to south, from Cape Ranger to Bluff.

At the rate of 20 to 30 kilometers per day, the young woman intends to make her trip over a period of several months, four at least, with a backpack of about 10 kg in which everything she needs for this adventure will be concentrated.

Four to six months of walking

“But I can do it in six days depending on the weather and the difficulties I have, and I want to take my time. I will follow the Te Araroa (Maori Long Way) route that opened in 2011,” says Uranie Huet, full of motivation a few weeks before the start. On my own and then I manage.”

A versatile seasonal worker in leisure and tourism during the year, Orani saved €10,000 in order to make her dream come true. Before setting out on this course where you will traverse volcanic regions, as well as glaciers or deserts, Urani Hoyt did not follow any specific preparations.

“The hardest will be mentality”

She still talks with Remy Geoffroy who wrote Te Araroa: 3,000 km walk, log book and setup. “I ask him a lot of questions. I am inspired by the testimonials of people who have already had this kind of experience. Physically, I hike regularly but I know the hardest will be mentally. It will not be a trip like On the way to Compostela Where I walked 700 km in one month, in 2019. There, the signs, an orange triangle, will be far apart, even hidden by vegetation…”

If Orani fears before all blisters that might hurt her feet, she will be equipped with a PLB distress beacon in case she gets hit hard because she will cross areas that will no longer be connected to the network.

Orani Hoyt is heading a little into the unknown with this multi-month voyage to the other end of the Earth. But this isn’t her first outing since she’s already toured Indonesia or Mexico and toured Menorca (200km) last year.

In honor of his father

It is also a challenge that the young woman intends to undertake in honor of her father, who died three years ago of cancer (1). “I come to life when I walk,” she explains again. I take the time to discover a new country, new people, get out of my comfort zone and am totally immersed with nature. »

Uranie Huet will also be taking advantage of this long trip to celebrate her 30th birthday on March 14 in New Zealand. “It is symbolic but it is a milestone, so I will ask myself the question of what is next. This leaves time for reflection, questioning and self-finding.”

(1) Orani Houet also walks in aid of the “Mille bracelets pour un projet” association, based in Châteauroux, and notes that a cat was online during her trip in order to collect donations for this association that helps fund adapted equipment for people with disabilities.

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