Antarctica, a record iceberg appeared.  New Zealand: Let’s rebuild the base

Antarctica, a record iceberg appeared. New Zealand: Let’s rebuild the base

Renamed A-76, With an area of ​​4,320 square kilometers, the largest iceberg in the world separated from the pier of Ron V Antarctica. This announcement comes directly from the European Space Agency (ESA). Located in the Marem of Weddell, the A-76 snatched the size record from the A-32A iceberg of approximately 3,880 square kilometers.

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Meanwhile, the new Zeland It plans to rebuild its Antarctic base and spend billions more on welfare payments as part of a spending program aimed at pulling the economy out of the coronavirus-related meltdown. The government disclosed its annual budget indicating this Economy It is performing much better than expected after the pandemic hit. This is largely due to the country’s success in stemming the spread of the virus, as well as strong international demand for milk and other agricultural exports.

Treasury data indicates that the country’s economy is expected to grow by 2.9% this year and rise to 4.4% by 2023. This comes after crash And a rapid recovery last year, which ended with an overall economic contraction of 1.7%. The budget plan includes NZ $ 344 million ($ 247 million) for reconstruction Scott base in AntarcticaIt has been used by scientists since its first inception in 1957. “The old buildings and structures that keep residents alive in the coldest, dryest and windiest places on earth have deteriorated,” said Foreign Minister Nanaya Mahuta. “Doing nothing will eventually lead to the closure of Al Qaeda.”

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