Annandale (ASM) is on loan to Brave until the end of the season

Annandale (ASM) is on loan to Brave until the end of the season

A player for the Espoirs and ASM coaching center for two years, Edward Annandale has been training regularly with the professional team since last season. Discover the high level during a short appearance in December 2020, during the Champions Cup match, losing to Michelin (31-39) against Münster.

This season, the 21-year-old second streak has four game cards, including a stint last October at the Stade Français. It was then replaced three times this winter, in Pau, Brive and La Rochelle.

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Following an agreement between the two clubs, while league regulations allow players to loan players until April 30, Annandale will go to Brave to finish the season. Note that the New Zealand youth, who is under a Hope contract at ASM until 2023, does not have JIFF status yet.

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According to our information, the long-term loan option (next season) can also be completed for this young second line.

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Christophe Boron

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