An unusual image that is widely spread as a meme

An unusual image that is widely spread as a meme

Selena Gomez at the Opening Night Gala of the 72nd Cannes Film Festival with the premiere of The Dead Dont Die on May 14, 2019 at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival - Screening of The Dead Dont Die & Open...

This is what Selena Gomez actually looks like. The new photo she posted of herself is now amazing her fans.Photo: / APress


Antonia Augsbach

American singer and actress Selena Gomez loves to share her natural looks on social media. She also appears without makeup or in less glamorous and comfortable clothes. This is why they love their fans.

It is clear that the current image of the 31-year-old artist has been well received by the followers. But for different reasons than usual, even the photo became a meme without further ado.

Surprise Selena Gomez

In the aforementioned photo, the artist is shown sitting on a bench. Even if her pose seems unimpressive at first, the photo looks weird for a number of reasons. On the one hand there is the outfit. The young woman is wrapped up to her neck in a kind of cloth or shawl that covers her arms and legs. On the other hand, she stares relatively seriously into the distance. Her gaze is unusually blank.

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The strange image did not escape the attention of many users of X (formerly Twitter). They came up with funny contexts for Selena Gomez’s bizarre photo and let their creativity run wild.

Twitter users come up with funny situations

The user types something like: “I get up first on a friend’s flight.” The musician’s expressionless face fits the situation well. She, too, may get bored waiting for her friends to finally wake up and interact with her. It is possible that the relaxed look was created right after waking up.

Other users on the platform feel reminiscent of a famous movie when looking at the image. Accordingly, her view of nothingness is fitting for the classic Titanic. The caption on the photo reads a view of the heroine of the blockbuster: “Rise in the morning after the shipwreck.”

Selena Gomez shares memes about herself

Selena Gomez herself is now aware of the many memes about the photo. But rather than getting angry at the hilarious comments, the 31-year-old approaches it with humour. The singer even shared her favorite memes on her Instagram story.

Apparently Selena Gomez found the meme particularly funny. And describes another strange position of her image. To read is: “Horror movie characters sit in the backseat of ambulance after nearly dying”. The sweeping mantle in which the star is wrapped is also reminiscent of this scenario.

Selena Gomez even shares memes of herself on Instagram.

Selena Gomez even shares memes of herself on Instagram.Photo: screenshot/Instagram/Selenagomez

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