AMIES – Mary and Anna travel through time (and space)

AMIES – Mary and Anna travel through time (and space)

This week in friendsMary and Anna are watching the last two episodes of Twin Peaks: Back. Marie’s chance to discover one of the most memorable endings for the small screen.

On the plot side, Bad Cooper was eliminated; Diane and Cooper are finally reunited, much to Mary’s delight; Cooper takes a trip back in time Back to the future To try to save Laura Palmer.

After this ending, questions remain in Mary’s mind: Why? What year is this? And above all, what size?

Dear AMIES fans, you will be entitled to watch a review episode next week, concluding this season in Twin Peaks.

Read on the same topic: This physicist thinks he’s cracked one of the secrets of time travel

after, after friendsthe two helpers return to (re)discover another cult series from the ’90s: Twin Peaks. This time, Anais and Marie reversed the roles. Anis knows the series by heart, while Mary has never seen it before.

friends It is a podcast written by Anaïs Bordages and Marie Telling, produced and directed by under the supervision of Christophe Carron and Benjamin Saeptem Hours.
Editorial Production, Editing and Directing: Aurélie Rodrigues
Music: Victor Benhamou

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