Alarm mail dated March 27, 2024

Alarm mail dated March 27, 2024

The school year is slowly coming to an end in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Abel Trim (Gaspar Adoniyi-Walsh), a nervous senior student, fails his baccalaureate oral exam in history. Fearing his parents' reaction, the young man decides to lie to them about the reasons for his failure. Abel accuses history teacher Jakab (András Rusnak) of failing him because of the cocktail he wore during the exam. The symbol of the 1848-1849 revolution against the Habsburgs, celebrated on March 15 every year, is increasingly seen as a nationalist emblem. The file will escalate to the government and cause a national scandal.

Abel Trim case It won the Orizzonti Grand Prix for Best Film at the 2023 Venice Film Festival. This fantasy film is the first film from Hungarian director Gábor Reis to be released in France on March 27, almost six months after its release in Hungary.

The Hungarian press generally praised the non-Manichean aspect of the feature film and its ability to explore the political and social fissures of modern Hungary, especially since Viktor Orbán's rise to power in 2010.

“It is not a battle of good versus evil.”

'The Case of Abel Trim' is not an anti-government film. Thus he assures his readers Valasz Online. Information website arguments Middle right: “Professor Abel's liberal is no saint.” and Erika (Rebecca Hathazi), a journalist who provides national coverage of the case and works close to power every day. “She's not a bad girl”.

“I did not want [mettre en scène] “The battle of good versus evil” because “We constantly divide society into good and bad people, and no one seeks to understand the other.” The director confirms 'Disappointed with politics' I have Valasz Online.

If the film Reisz “Do not build a bridge between the right and the left.” he “Don't dig a trench with a bulldozer.” The Weekly Governor agrees Mandin. Fidesz, the nationalist populist party led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, “He takes his rank.” But the movie “Do not fall into exaggeration in assertive political actions.” And “A childlike mix worthy of classic American thrillers.”.

Abel Trim case not “Not an observation, not a diagnosis, not a statement, and even less a grotesque political pamphlet.” mitigation 444.He, On the other side of the political spectrum. the film “Do not claim that we live in hell or that Satan has control over us,” “Do not condemn even if no one is acquitted.” And “He tells, without tension and without erasing responsibilities, a country divided into two parts.”He develops the opposition position, and strongly criticizes Viktor Orban.

Understand rather than accuse

Director Gabor Riesz, 44 years old. Image distributed by Pal Čerjak/Memento

TelexFor his part, he recalled that Abel Trim case “converted”“With very few means.” And “Without the help of the National Film Institute”,Hungarian CNC. the job “He satirically shows our highly polarized society, but tries to understand rather than point fingers.”. “It's a political film, but it's not oppositional. “Angry, but not accusatory.” It also analyzes the site.

If there are certain hints or references that may be directed at the French viewer, Abel Trim case He paints a fascinating and startling picture of a society in which discussion, and even communication, has become complex, and where the slightest incident can be blown out of proportion to ridiculous proportions.

According to Web Magazine femininethe film “It shows what we experience every day: we live side by side, but in parallel universes.”. Explains the feature film “Why Fidesz and the liberals hate each other” and “shows, in a painful and credible way, without embellishment and with great sympathy, how we live here in the 2020s”, NB feminine.

Very believable characters

The different characters represent an honest mirror of modern Hungary. Echoes of the magazine Hetty villajazdasag (Faj). He mentions among others Abel, “The high school student is happy with nothing, but he is not rebellious.” ; His father, Giorgi (Istvan Znaminac), is a “Conservative businessman who sees liberals as Ferenc Gyurcsány [ex-Premier ministre détesté], George Soros [milliardaire, bête noire du pouvoir] Brussels is the source of all its evil. Professor Jakab who disagrees “Orban, the regime and the brutality of the people”; peer Giorgi, who dreams of moving to Denmark; Apple Secondary School Principal, from “The slightest conflict with the system is not assumed”…

the film “It brutally shows that we should all be ashamed that we have allowed our country to become unlivable and neurotic.” Critic storming HFG, Reminiscent of a feature film “very sad”.

International mail Partner in this movie.

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