Ajaccio: The Saint-Jean Community Center has a new space

Ajaccio: The Saint-Jean Community Center has a new space

The gloomy weather did not change the enthusiasm of the inhabitants of the district of Saint-Jean, some of whom were present, on the morning of Saturday, February 25, at the inauguration of a new municipal space complementary to the social center located a few dozen districts away. meters away.

The new building on Kennedy Street will house in excess of 120 square metres2The public demands the services provided by the animation team. “We will not transfer the current activities to the Social Center. This space will not be a second center but will provide additional services.”Stéphane Romani, Director of the Saint-Jean Social Center.

Invest approximately 120 thousand euros

After the traditional opening ribbon ceremony, honored by First Deputy Alexandre Farina and Muriel Fanny, Regional Counselor, residents were able to visit buildings renovated by the Technical Services of the City and provided by the Habitat General Office of Kappa. Almost 120,000 euros were invested to bring this space up to standard, which until then housed commercial premises, some of them idle.

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From now on, the place consists of a reception, a living room that also serves as a waiting room, a reading area, free internet access, a management office and a standing office.

“It is not a matter of creating a simple administrative counter but of proposing an attractive place at the service of the population, in order to mitigate the effects of isolating the existing buildings of the social center which are not easily accessible to some residents. To this end, the structure will provide an informal reception area, which helps to gather the words of population.It will make it possible to better deal with access to rights, or even fight the digital divide.It will also make it possible to organize local events, Hence the presence of agents on site responsible for reception but also facilitators.Details by Stephane Romani. The new space will open Monday through Friday.

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