Aix-en-Provence: Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences makes a “Call for Freedom”

Aix-en-Provence: Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences makes a “Call for Freedom”

The awards ceremony of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Aix-Marseille was held on the afternoon of Tuesday 20 February. Dean Jean-Baptiste Perrier has the opportunity to recall certain values ​​of the institution he runs, beyond those arising from the immigration law he never mentioned, but at the heart of his speech.

You will achieve your dreams with your work, the only advantage that we value without further discrimination“He told the students present,”A place to gain skills“But also”From liberation“Welcoming the youth.”On their academic standards alone, without regard to their social background, origin or nationality. How then can we recognize that some foreign students can access higher education conditional on paying a deposit, i.e. an extendable return condition? How can we acknowledge that tomorrow some students will no longer have access to higher education, due to lack of financial means because they are denied aid in the name of national preference? How can we acknowledge this abandonment of what constitutes the diversity and richness of our university community?“, Asked.

The University of Aix-Marseille receives 10,000 foreign students every year and the Faculty of Law and Political Science receives 1,000 students.A sign of our openness and internationalism, but also a sign of our attractiveness, which is why I was delighted again this year to present prizes to the best students on the exchange programme.Dean V confirmed.A call for freedom” Which is what he particularly wanted to say during this event.

There is no shortage of files on Guillaume Casparien, the new Minister of Housing. But by taking office, he was also able to open a letter sent by 42 mayors of Bouches-du-Rhône, who are subject to fines because they failed to comply with an SRU law requiring them to build a share of social housing they did not have. it did not arrive.

A letter written with the blessing and support of Martine Vassal, President of Metropolis and Management. Georges Christiani, mayor of Mémet and president of the Union of Mayors of Bouches-du-Rhône, is one of the signatories, who was unable to sign a building permit.For two and a half years“Due to restrictions affecting her municipality. If the law”Starting from a good feeling, it has become unrealistic and blind“, denounces George Christiani.

Sylvie Ritello, Minister of Higher Education and Research, is on a two-day official trip to Bouches-du-Rhône, to meet some of the key players in higher education, research and innovation in Aix-Marseille-Provence.

Her first stop today will be in Aix, at the Mediterranean House of Human Sciences (MMSH), where she will visit the Laboratory of Marine Archaeology. You will then depart for the salon, arriving in Marseille the next day.

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