AI, Cloud PC and New Explorer

AI, Cloud PC and New Explorer

At a corporate conference, Microsoft unveiled a host of new features for Windows 11. The goal: to make the system more secure and more productivity-friendly.

Microsoft introduces the future of Windows 11: AI, Cloud PC, and the new Explorer

Microsoft is beautiful After it launched Windows 11 at the end of 2021, the editor knows he still has a lot of work to do to improve the operating system and to fully convince, especially the pros. This was the full topic for its presentation on April 5, 2022 where the publisher As expected Unveiled new features for Windows 11.

Native AI management to improve video calls

With the advent of ARM and processors with complex architecture, our devices are now more and more eligible for NPU: neural processing unit. It is a dedicated AI chip that will be managed locally by Windows 11.

Microsoft introduces the future of Windows 11: AI, Cloud PC, and the new Explorer
Source: Microsoft

Microsoft doesn’t claim to revolutionize what can be done, but rather is adding functionality that we already know in Windows 11. For example, we’re talking about adding dynamic blurring to the background of its image or modifying the look to give the impression that you’re looking into the eye of your interlocutor. Since it’s a native integration of Windows 11, Microsoft promises that it won’t be limited to Microsoft Teams, but to any app.

File explorer with tabs

After several weeks of rumors, Microsoft has officially lifted the veil on a new version of File Explorer. The publisher notes that it will better manage cloud storage, especially with OneDrive.

Microsoft introduces the future of Windows 11: AI, Cloud PC, and the new Explorer

Above all, this new version introduces tab management in File Explorer. Like a web browser, it will be possible to quickly switch from one folder to another simply by changing tabs. Microsoft will also automatically suggest contacts for you in the file sharing list, based on your habits.

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Windows Cloud PC integration

In 2021, Microsoft launched Cloud PC, its business offering that provides streaming access to a Windows 11 PC running in the cloud. The principle is the same as Shadow, except that it’s a show geared toward companies, not gamers.

Microsoft introduces the future of Windows 11: AI, Cloud PC, and the new Explorer

With presentation, Microsoft is upping the ante by allowing Windows 11 to sync with a PC in the cloud. You can thus switch from your local PC to Cloud PC with a single click from the taskbar, or start directly on Cloud PC without going through the Windows 11 desktop. In the long run, Microsoft also wants to make it possible to work offline on PC documents. Its cloud, with data synced when your local computer is reconnected to the Internet.

Unconfirmed schedule

Microsoft has not indicated when these new features will be available to businesses or the general public. The company could show it through an update during the year or wait for the major update scheduled for the end of the year, or even wait until 2023 and more for some new features. In short, very official promises and announcements, but the calendar is still unclear at the moment.

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