According to the generals, Jair Bolsonaro was considering staging a coup in 2022

According to the generals, Jair Bolsonaro was considering staging a coup in 2022

These are embarrassing revelations for former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Two generals told federal police that he was preparing a coup to prevent Lula's return to power, after losing the presidential elections in October 2022.

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With our correspondent in Sao Paulo. Martin Bernard

Former Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force say Pres Jair Bolsonaro They were preparing a coup, after losing the presidential elections in October 2022. But they say they opposed it.

General Freire Bastos even threatened to arrest the outgoing head of state if he tried to implement his plan and declare a state of siege. The army would have appeared divided. In addition to the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Almir Garnier, was in favor of the coup attempt, and was going to place his forces at his disposal.

However, these damning revelations do not seem to bother Jair Bolsonaro, who says he is being persecuted and is increasing the number of public baths, as if to protect himself from possible condemnation. The former president is already disqualified. The penalty for an attempted coup is imprisonment for at least four years.

Read alsoBrazil: In front of thousands of supporters, Bolsonaro denounces his incompetence

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