A union space was opened

A union space was opened

On Thursday 16 May at the Griffonnes de Monts Sports Complex, the keys to the new union space were officially handed over to Vincent Gatillon, president of AS Monts Football Club, by the city's mayor, Laurent Richard. “It's a real addition to the club. A friendly, family-friendly place to exchange.”The manager of this club announced that it had 470 licencees.

This room is 25 m2 It will serve as a refreshment bar. This installation, which is being carried out by the city's building department with external companies, is completed with a container of approximately thirty square metres2 To store club equipment.

The funding for this operation amounts to 80 thousand euros. “With assistance from the District Development Fund amounting to 25%,” points out Sylvie Jenner, Vice President of the Department Council. “Other associations can use this building if necessary.” This was reported by Sandrine Béraud, Deputy Mayor responsible for Sports and Association Relations.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held on June 23 and 24

During this inauguration, elected officials and the public also visited the new women's football locker room and the room necessarily reserved for female referees. “This installation is separate from the Griffonnes Room, which has been renovated, with a new entrance, sound screens and a new bar.”commented Alan Gawain, Deputy Mayor in charge of Municipal Buildings. Finally, it has been announced that AS Monts' petanque facilities will be renovated soon.

“All of this is also part of the great ambition of the Monts Terre de Jeux 2024 event.Laurent Richard added. The next residents' meeting is scheduled to be held on June 23-24 in Kandy, during the Olympic Village. On this occasion, there will be around twenty sports and cultural associations in Mons. »

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