A successful new spacewalk by Thomas Bisquet

A successful new spacewalk by Thomas Bisquet

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet, left, and NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrae, right, on a spacewalk on June 20, 2021.

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet returned safely inside the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday, June 20 after another spacewalk of more than six hours, dedicated to installing new solar panels on the International Space Station.

This is Thomas Bisquet’s fourth spaceflight, and the second in this mission, with fellow American Shane Kimbrough. At 11:42 a.m. GMT, the two men, who arrived aboard the station at the end of April, activated their suit’s internal battery, then opened the hatch of the International Space Station’s decompression chamber.

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Thomas Bisquet, out into the void first, was followed by his teammate. During 6:28 am, the astronauts finished positioning, installing, wiring, and deploying the first new generation solar panels, 19 meters long, and began installing a second. These solar panels, called iROSA, are believed to enhance the power generation capabilities of the International Space Station and were delivered by a SpaceX cargo ship.

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Shane Kimbrough and Thomas Pesquet’s spacewalk officially ends at 2:10 p.m. (6:10 p.m. GMT), NASA said. The Mechanics began installing the first solar panel on Wednesday. But the expedition was troubled by several setbacks, including concerns about Shane Kimbrough’s suit. He added, “We will return to the void of space to finish the work of the first director (post 1he is solar panel) To install the second, detailed Thomas Pesquet on social networks Sunday morning, exhilarating the possibility of a “Unbelievable day”.

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NASA is planning a new spacewalk on June 25 so that the duo can complete the installation of a second solar panel. Thomas Pesquet now counts 26 hours and 15 minutes spent in spacewalks. This is the fourth time the two astronauts have floated together in zero gravity, clinging to the space station orbiting 400 kilometers above Earth, after they have already carried out two side-by-side spacewalks in 2017, and one on Wednesday. This is 240e A spacewalk in the history of the International Space Station.

The world with AFP

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