A new service space in France opens its doors at Valentini

A new service space in France opens its doors at Valentini

A new service space in France opens its doors at Valentini

Born from the ambition of returning public service within the regions, these new spaces are within the reach of all citizens, and enable to bring together, in one place, a set of high-quality services, and facilitate citizens’ access to public services. Digital support.

In each service area of ​​France there are at least two agents trained to welcome users and support them in their procedures with at least nine partner operators: Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice, Public Finance, Pôle Emploi, Pension Insurance, Health Insurance, CAF, MSA and Post Office. Thus, procedures such as vehicle registration, APL or RSA applications, vehicle registration documents, driver’s licenses, tax-related procedures as well as access to online services can be carried out in these structures with the help of France Service agents or independently by self-service. Computer terminals service.

With 30 French services, it is a local public service, more humane and accessible, and it is spread across the department, closer to the users.

info> https://anct-carto.github.io/france_services

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